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Leaf Spring Help

October 28, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Horseheads NY and Niagara Falls NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
Ok heres the problem, 2 years ago the back end of my 01 sport was sagging a little bit and i got some help through the forum and when with shackles and a tt to level out the truck and gained about and 1 and i love it, then last summer I lost the in to more sag and swapped in a par of 4 dr leaf spring for the higher load cap. (in hind sight i think the 4dr and factory 01 springs are the same, both 4 leaf) and i was back up the inch. now im an inch below factory... see the problem. First I have been told that shackles flatten the springs faster, true? The ride has gone to hell and the back end walks all over the place. Im sick and tired of swapping leaf springs and i want this to be the last time. I'v been told that some F150 springs fit and it lifts it about 2 in but the ride is rough, true? I spend 99% percent of my time on streets and highways but i like the lift. I think im going to do a BL cuz some of my mount have cracked and are breaking apart. Is there some combo of springs (with the factory spring mount) and shocks that will get me a mild lift but good driveablity? Any help is welcome!

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First I have been told that shackles flatten the springs faster, true?

I have heard a million billion people argue both ways but neither side has solid evidence from what I've heard.

www.customsuspension.com Carrier Spring makes great stuff and their customer service is outstanding. You can get springs for any lift height you want, and they will ride better than stocks/4dr swap or shackles.

I did the F150 leaf swap on my '01 Sport a few years ago. Yes it does stiffen the ride quite a bit. It only raised mine about 3/4" over stock (pre-sag), nowhere close to 2". I did the TT lift up front to level it, then a little more twist later on to fit larger tires.

I like the firm ride, but alot of people think it is too stiff. It certainly improved the handling quite a bit. No more tipping or wallowing around corners. No more squatting during accelleration. Brake dive was also reduced after the TT. Towing capacity increased A LOT! Towing a 21' speedboat hardly budges the rear suspension. I've carried 1500# of paver blocks inside and only compressed the springs about an inch. Either of those would've completely flattened the stock springs. Carrying really heavy stuff all the time killed my body bushings though. Every one of them are crumbled. I think the springs have sagged a little too, maybe 3/8"-1/2"...but I'm not sure if part of the difference is the crushed body mounts.

If you want a cushy ride, this is not for you! Get some custom made lift springs instead. Those tend to ride closer to stock, just taller.
