Lifting Body off frame | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lifting Body off frame


Explorer Addict
March 26, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 5.0, 01 4.0.
Alright, I'm getting ready to scrap my 99, I want to remove the body from the frame since upon a decent amount of asking around, the title is frame related, thing is, I have no real idea what goes into the body removal? I want to take the body off the frame, strip the body down to bare steel and junk just the hull, anybody done a body removal before?

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Ohh thanks I been here a while and hadn't ever seen that thread.

10 body mount bolts, a few wiring connections, steering shaft, fuel fill neck and remove the brake master, ac compressor or lines.


In most states the VIN and title relate to the cab, and not the chassis.

In most states the VIN and title relate to the cab, and not the chassis.

I asked the guy locally who's in business doing rollover repairs on Tahoes and GM products and he says it's frame related here in South Carolina.

So I got this done today, this V8 swap was my winter project for various reasons, turned heads at the junkyard with no frame underneath the body, everybody had a question about how I actually did it or amazed Explorers could have that done to them, and the body brought essentially $100, two comments I have to add for future reference is the seats need to come out FIRST, and the body bolts are best done with a LONG breaker bar, impacts don't budge them.

When I lifted the body off the frame of my '01 ST to replace the mounts, I found that I had to heat the through bolts with a torch from the bottom to release the red thread locker Ford is so fond of using. Then my pneumatic impact was able to remove the bolts fairly easily.

When I lifted the body off the frame of my '01 ST to replace the mounts, I found that I had to heat the through bolts with a torch from the bottom to release the red thread locker Ford is so fond of using. Then my pneumatic impact was able to remove the bolts fairly easily.

Huh, didn't think of that, ah well, probably would've been worth the thought.
