Locking pin bearing nut on automatic hub | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Locking pin bearing nut on automatic hub


Active Member
September 14, 1999
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City, State
Buffalo N.Y.
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 EB 4dr 4x4
1992 Explorer front automatic locking hubs, somehow when removing my axle shafts I lost one of the rectangular locking pins form the bearing nut. Ford dealers in Buffalo NY tell me you have to buy the whole hub, they dont sell the pin. Universal joint sales, and some off-road places did not have them either. Any Ideas?

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You don't have to buy the whole hub(dealerships wonder why they get the reps they do). You will have to buy the washer with the cut outs(where the locking key goes) and the key as one unit though. I lost a key from mine once and had to go to Ford to get it(about $60)-no auto parts places have them, it is a dealership specifis item. Contact Torrie from Ford parts network just to make sure. If you can wait, let me look tonight and I may be able to find the extra one I got and send it to you. Pm, me if you can wait and what your address is.

Sholzee, Just wanted to know if you got the pin alright. I send it out that night, so it should have gotten there in Monday's mail at the latest.

Goober yes I did recieve it on Monday and that is exactly the pin I was talking about. Many many thanks and If I can ever return the favor let me know. Wife is very happy to have her rig back!! Radius arm bushings next.

Glad to hear you got it and back on the road. My wife thought I was nuts for sending that pin to someone I had never met, but she doesn't really understand how our "family" of Explorers help each other out. One day I'll need some help or a part like that, and (maybe :)) someone will help me out. Glad to help out.

My wife gets home before me, so she had the mail in the house and was acting kinda funny. She puts the envelope on the counter and kinda nastly says and who is this from. Please do not take offense!! but she thought it was a Girls hand writing and getting all jealous and stuff. I made her open it up and she felt so embarressed. She knows alot about cars and equipment, I showed her the previous week the part I could not get, and realized what it was when she opened it up.

It must have been missing the truck that made her all goofy. We had a good laugh out of it and are thankful for your help!!We both thank you again!!!!
