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Mandrel bending..is it that important?


December 12, 2004
City, State
Lompoc, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 Limited
Is mandrel bending a stomper for the exhaust. Local muffler shop is saying it isn't. I was also told by them that my pipes are factory mandrel bent, is that true? I have a 03 limited v8?

My X - :exp:
03 Explorer Limited 100yr anniversary edition
Current mods: K&N FIPK, 20"Helos rims, new deck - clarion 745mp, focal front speakers, 2 jl 10w6 box with jl amps.
Future mods: exhaust - magnaflow catback, apten chip, maf, throttle body, headers.

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Mandrel bending allows the best exhaust flow. It's the best (and should be only) way to bend piping for your exhaust. Definitely follow Hartman's advice.

Being that you have the 100 Yr anniversery model, mandrel bent pipe is mandatory IMHO

Yeah I would think so too especially for what I paid too. I am probably just going to go with the catback systems with the mandrel and not deal with custom jobs.

Mandrel bends will retain all of the tubing inner diameter throughout the bend. Typical exhaust shop "kink" bends will reduce diameter through the bend. Look at it like this- if you're running 2.5" tube, it will be 2.5" all the way through the bend with a mandrel bend. Non-mandrel will make it 2.25" or even smaller (depending on how tight the bend is). Its kinda pointless to run 2.5" tube throughout the truck only to have it choked down to 2.25" at the bends.

Mandrel bending is absolutely necessary. Your Ex will die without it. Definitely spend the extra money!
