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Minor Lift

o' dannyboy

March 29, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
big apple
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 xlt
I've got a '93 XLT. It is a road machine, rarely off-road. She seems to be sagging slightly, particularly in the rear, I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a lift that would give her a look only slightly taller than stock. A little something to make her look like she's "up on her feet". I'm not climbin' any rocks or crossin' any rivers... just a nice, slightly aggressive stance, for the road mostly. I'm also concerned about safety, I don't want to raise it to the point where it makes it any more susceptible to roll-over (got a 3 year old copilot). Lift kit?... springs?... leafs???

Thanks for the suggestions!

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Do a search for f150 spacers in the front and warrior shackles or add a leaf in the rear. The f150 spacers will give you just under two inches in the front and the warrior or add a leaf will vary depending on how much sag you have in the rear.

If its sagging, you could get replacement stock springs to get it back to original height. I would probably get the Skyjacker 2" coils for up front, and AAL and shackles for the back. With a sagging truck, that will give you a little more than 2" all around and will easily fit 31's, maybe 32's.

Edit: As with any lift, it will raise the center of gravity making it "more likely to roll over" but its not unsafe as long as you don't drive it like a sports car. Also, wider tires makes it feel much more stable.

Wheel Spacers???


How about wheel spacers? What's the scoop... safe, practical, useful???

Not wheel spacers.... These spacers go in the spring bucket & lift the spring giving you the added height. As said do a search. It's been covered in detail with pics & DIY info.

dont worry about rollover as long as you dont drive like your in an indy car. I have 10" of lift, no swaybars and a heavy foot on the skinny pedal and im not gonna roll anytime soon. :D

Snowboarder you also have a wider track width thatnks to your offset rims and large tires, making it far more stable, even lifted.

wheel spacers work, although they are not known to be the safest thing. Use a wheel with a wider offset... 3.75" backspacing would be perfect, with some 31x10.50 tires.
