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More vibration noise from 2015


September 6, 2014
City, State
Orlando Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer
I have a 2015 Ford Explorer with about 7000 miles on it. I had the cowling replaced around the windshield and that seems to have fixed the loud buzzing noise I had, but now another annoying noise has started. It sounds like an electrical short or a buzzing noise coming from the left side of my steering wheel on the dash. It starts at around 42 mph and then stops at 46 mph. The dealer replaced a piece of trim under the hood, but that didn't stop it. It makes the noise regardless of whether the a.c. is on or off and same with the radio, so probably not connected to either.

Anyone out there experiencing anything similar or any suggestions as to what this could be?

Also, I smelled the burnt oil smell after hard acceleration.......can these two issues be connected?

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...It sounds like an electrical short or a buzzing noise coming from the left side of my steering wheel on the dash. It starts at around 42 mph and then stops at 46 mph. The dealer replaced a piece of trim under the hood, but that didn't stop it...

Hi User.pb1,

Let's get this into the hands of your regional customer service manager (CSM). PM me your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and servicing dealership; I'll push this up the line so your CSM can help.


Dealer found source of buzzing sound to left of steering wheel in dash

My 2015 Explorer was making a buzzing sound at 45 mph. It was very annoying and would last for about 5 seconds every time I hit 45mph. It seemed to be coming out of the a.c. vent to the left of the steering wheel, or perhaps from the speaker in the door on the drivers side.

The dealer finally found the source of the buzzing sound after taking my dash apart and checking several trim pieces.

The hood latch cable was against something in the engine compartment, and the vibration ran through the cable and made the hood release handle vibrate inside the cabin at a certain rpm.

I'm still monitoring the burnt oil smell inside the cabin during heaving acceleration

Windshield Flutter Noise

How did your dealer fix the flutter noise. Our dealer keeps on saying everything is in spec and nothing is wrong, but when we hit 70 MPH we get the flutter noise. I know this is a seal of some sort, because if we run the windshield wiper fluid it stops for a second while the fluid fills the gap. Would like to just go to them and tell them what to change because they obviously don't have the time to look at it properly. Thanks.

vibration at 45 mph

I had this exact same problem. My dealer went way above and beyond and found this issue. Your hood release cable is routed wrong and against something that transfers the vibration along the cable to the hood release handle inside the cabin. Next time try putting your hand over the hood release cable handle as you accelerate and see if that stops the noise. I never tried this, but would think that it would stop the vibration. My dealer rerouted the cable and the vibration noise stopped.

Let me know if it works.

