mountaineer grill on explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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mountaineer grill on explorer


New Member
January 1, 2008
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NF, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 explorer xlt
im wanting to put a new grill on my 2002 explorer i was thinking a billet at first, then i wanted to vertical grill like the aviator, but was told it wouldnt fit, ive seen a couple mountaineers around here and really like the grill. would the grill fit (without any modification,or without serious modifications). its a 2002 explorer xlt 4x4....thanks in advance

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grille will NOT fit at all.... we have completely different front ends and headlights.

thanks for the reply i guess ill just have to look for an affermarket grill then

What do you think?

im wanting to put a new grill on my 2002 explorer i was thinking a billet at first, then i wanted to vertical grill like the aviator, but was told it wouldnt fit, ive seen a couple mountaineers around here and really like the grill. would the grill fit (without any modification,or without serious modifications). its a 2002 explorer xlt 4x4....thanks in advance

It looks like you'd have to make some minor changes, but... what do you say?

There is an aftermarket vertical grille, look for it on ebay

There's no way it would be a direct fit judging from pictures, however maybe you could make something work if you had the time on your hands? :scratch:

There's no way it would be a direct fit judging from pictures, however maybe you could make something work if you had the time on your hands? :scratch:

not even close to a direct fit. Park an 02+ mounty next to an 02+ ex, the ex grille is noticeably smaller

thanks for the replies, yeah i dont have tons of time to modify it to fit im looking for a direct swap. but ive seen that vertical aftermarket one, not sure how i feel about it yet, gotta see it on a couple explorers first, and the billet grille is nice but too many ppl around here have them on there explorers...ill post pics when i decide what i want and have it installed, probably in the next two weeks...

Yikes! x2... that is an excellent grille!

Yikes! x2... that is an excellent grille!

Yeah i love that billet grille. That was the biggest dissapointment when i had to settle for the mounty over an ex, was that i couldn't use that grille
