My first Explorer 1991 5 speed 4 door. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My first Explorer 1991 5 speed 4 door.

Heyas all,
Wanted to say I have been in the forums, wandering a bit, while looking for the perfect deal, and then literally join correctly when I picked up my EX.

Well the day was today, after seeing the ad on the local Craiglist.
The owner, who had it for 2 1/2 years decided to sell.

I hope you all are sitting down, this gets good.

It's a 1991 Explorer 4 Door, 4.0 with a 5 speed :burnout: , push-button 4WD, with only,.....

...wait for it...

Only 84,237 miles.:eek::bounce::biggthump:feedback::dpchug:

Anyone else have an Explorer with such low mileage on the odometer?

(pics are following, trust me...)

Full cloth interior, but manual windows and locks, New inspection, with all new brakes, calibers, and steel brake lines.

Best part, original owner is 71 years old and owns a towing, repair shop.

Body is RAZOR straight, NO RUST (anime falls over) and the 4.0 runs WHISPER quiet. Does NOT burn any oil at all.

On the test drive, motor pulls strong through the gears like a freight train, shifts cleanly, and only has the tiniest of pull to the right.

The only bad thing, is the fuel gauge does not work. might be a shorted relay or something, so he knocked off $300 bucks off the price.

I only paid $2200 for it. And wife even likes it, she can drive 5 speed as well.




And also, We sold our Astro to our neighbor when I pulled the Explorer in the driveway for $1200 so total outlay to sell the van and get an Explorer with half the mileage, only $1000 (Not including the tag and title work).

What i'd like to do, is build up the motor, piece by piece, and do all updates
to the body like Spdrcer34's Explorer, mainly drive it on the street.

Just a few questions, What exhaust will really make this Ex sound GREAT?
I seen a clip with a whippled Cobra, with the Borla Stingers, no cats or resonators, and it sounded GREAT.

(Yes I know I have a 6, but I still want a good sound at 2 cylinders less than a Mustang GT.)

And since the motor is in such GREAT shape, why pull it and attempt a 5.0 swap? I don't think I need to, or want to at this point. Only thing i'm doing tommorow is pulling my brand new 2 week old battery out of the Astro and putting it in the Ex.

Wheel ideas? White letter tires are a MUST for me, as this will mainly be a street SUV so I will need some help in lowering it mebee 3 inches tops front and back.

Whew... bows,

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nice x u got

Sorry but my 92 has alittle over 63,x.. miles on it.;)

My 91 has 83,000. Sat for a long time. Only 1500 on the motor though
