My Turbo build thread 96 4.0 Exploder | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Turbo build thread 96 4.0 Exploder

Going to be starting my turbo build on my 96 Explorer Sport 4.0 v-6 Manual trans tommorow. Im going to use a Gm-4 Turbocharger off a 1995 Chevy 6.5 TD, ebay intercooler and charge piping. Turbo is going to be mounted where the stock airbox/ resavores are located. Will keep you guys updated on the build with indepth pictures as well as a good write up.

:p::p::p::p: Im excited. Cant wait to get her started.

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Please please PLEASE make sure your engine is in the shape to do this. It does sound like an awesome project, but I'd hate to see you build it up, and then 10k miles down the road you're looking at a rebuild... just think about it first...

I wish you good luck though. I'm installing a flux capacitor, maybe we can race one day.

Please please PLEASE make sure your engine is in the shape to do this. It does sound like an awesome project, but I'd hate to see you build it up, and then 10k miles down the road you're looking at a rebuild... just think about it first...

I wish you good luck though. I'm installing a flux capacitor, maybe we can race one day.

:) Flux capacitor

The engine has been turbo'd before, had a rear mount setup with the same turbo that kept having oiling issues (return pumps failing) gave up on that setup and have decided to move the turbo to where it belongs under the hood!!!!

Here is a video of it with the rear mount setup. You can faintly hear the turbo, Echo in the parking garage was really bad.


Come on now; don't give the rear mounts a bad rep. I know they can be finicky but they will work and work well. The biggest thing is getting the right pump that doesn’t flow to fast or too slow. The other thing is don’t mount the pump above the turbo – it still needs to drain into the pump. Don't make the drain line go uphill and mount the pump atleast 3" below the turbo if possible. You can mount less than that but if you park on a hill idling you may have problems.

I don't know how many miles I have on mine but it works great.

Good luck.

how many psi that turbo usually push

8 lbs at 4k

Come on now; don't give the rear mounts a bad rep. I know they can be finicky but they will work and work well. The biggest thing is getting the right pump that doesn’t flow to fast or too slow. The other thing is don’t mount the pump above the turbo – it still needs to drain into the pump. Don't make the drain line go uphill and mount the pump atleast 3" below the turbo if possible. You can mount less than that but if you park on a hill idling you may have problems.

I don't know how many miles I have on mine but it works great.

Good luck.

Mine has been nothing but trouble ever since i put the setup on, why the change up is in progress.

Well, if you're set on the front mount then okay.

However, if you'd like to troubleshoot what you have - I'm willing to help and I'm sure there would be more willing.

wheres the pics?

Finally i got around to taking some pictures of the setup. need to take some more when i get the time to.

The Gm-4 that is on it now has no problem making 20+psi. Right now its on 8-9 with injectors and a maf for the moment + a fmu. the local tuner around here is waiting to get his SCT software and then its going to get a tune.




what turbo is that
