need help narrowing down my problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need help narrowing down my problem


April 3, 2012
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 ford explorer xlt
I have a 03 explorer AWD and something has happened so that with the transmission in park and the motor off I can push vehicle and it rolls like it is in neutral. the shifter still shifts into each gear though. for example I have to put it in either park or neutral to start it. can anyone help?

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Could be a transfer case or a drive shaft problem, can you select another range on your transfer case, like low?

Does any drive shaft spin in gear sitting still, assuming you cannot drive it?

If so it could be the differential or axle.

Does park grind after its been put in drive or reverse sitting still?

If it does its not the transmission.

started it today and went through all the gears, when I would shift from park to drive it would clank pretty hard and then start rattling but never move. I could shift into neutral and it would stop, park would also stop the rattling so it seems as if all the gears are where they should be but also while it is in park I can push it and it will roll like it is in neutral. Also I don't know if it matters or not but I didn't let truck run very long before shifting, seems like I read somewhere that it is better to let transmission fluid warm up. hope my description helps narrow down a possible diagnosis. if more details are necessary I will gladly provide them.

Ok yesterday I started it and put it into 4 low and then reverse and it worked but when I hit brakes it was still sort of lunging repeatedly wanting to keep moving. Shifted to drive and did the same thing forward. Couldn't get it back out of 4 low. Anybody else had this happen that might be able to point me in the right direction of what to check first?

I think your problem will be with the transfer case.

It will have to be removed, dismantled and rebuilt or replaced.

is there any way to find out for sure if the transfer case is the problem?

If you put it in 4 low and that made the vehicle move, thats a pretty good indication that the transfer case is the culprit. That tells you that the differentials are working and the transmission is working and the driveshafts are connected.

thanks for the input. that atleast gives me a starting point.

Just wanted to follow up and post what the problem was. My rear passenger side cv axle was broke

thanks for the update!
