Need part numbers... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need part numbers...


December 23, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Louisville, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Exploder XLT
If I were looking for a specific part number for my Explorer where would I find it?? Is there a CD-ROM or book I can purchase? For example, an electronic shift control module for a 2002 Explorer XLT. Thanks.

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this site might come in handy....

thekubiaks said:
If I were looking for a specific part number for my Explorer where would I find it?? Is there a CD-ROM or book I can purchase? For example, an electronic shift control module for a 2002 Explorer XLT. Thanks.

What part number do you need?

Dunno how this can be classified as an emergency. Is there a specific part number you need? Moving to the 2002 stock forum. Please only post in the 911 Section when it is truly an emergency like being broken down on the side of road.

Blee1099 said:
Dunno how this can be classified as an emergency. Is there a specific part number you need? Moving to the 2002 stock forum. Please only post in the 911 Section when it is truly an emergency like being broken down on the side of road.

SO SORRY CHARLIE... :confused: I put this in the wrong forum :monkey:
