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Need some help!


Active Member
October 2, 2000
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Hey yall! Sorry I've been gone for so long, but things have gotten really busy. I need some help badly though. I was much you think I can sell my explorer for. It is:

1991 Explorer 4 Door Eddie Bauer Edition
81,000 Miles
4" Superlift Kit, with all new springs, front and rear, and supperrunner kit (new radius arms)
American Racing Rims
32x10.5" BFG M/Ts
Pioneer Premiere 920R (absolute top of the line) receiver
2 Amplifiers for a total of 1600 Watts
2 500 Watt 12" subwoofers in unbelievable case with neon lights
Professional installation (no wires showing at all)
Smittybilt Brush Guard
PIAA 1900x Fogs
Hella 4000 Euro Driving lights
Surpurb Condition (needs a little paint on the roof, other than that, could be brand new)

How much do you think I could fetch for it? Anyone on here interested in buying it? THANKS!

George Sibble

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check out this is the best place to check what your rig is worth

I dont know...

The problem is that with all of the modifications and customizations, I don't think the KBB value really means that much. I have put in much more money to make it a much better car. So what do you think?


remeber the cost of what you can or will get isnt going to be becuse of all your custom mods.i am sure we would like to get at least what it is worth to us but that doesnt always happen. beauty is ihn the eye of the beholder. this may or may not work to your advantage

try looking up on ebay.... there was someone here already that sold his rig on eBay. I'm not sure how much and what's not but it's worth a try. It's not gonna be easy to sell a truck that has been modified unless you stumble upon a group of wacky people like us!!!!

good luck!

one more thing,,,,,,, try and post it in For Sale, Trade Wanted forum. Might work.


I don't mean to sound like a jerk. Your truck sound really nice and professionally put together. But you would probably get more money (if even in the long run) if you took off most of the aftermarket stuff you put on it. It's all worth more on it's own and the truck would appeal to a larger segment of the market if it was closer to stock. Sorry. Maybe it's just because I'm jealous.

honest opinion. I think that once you cross that barrier there's no way for turning back and just saying, forget it, I'm selling my truck......I'm about to do it this wednesday. So far it was all innocent, body lift, KKM filter, 2" suspension lift, roof rack, extra lights, manual hubs, big ass tow hooks...,,,,,,...... all this can be reversed easily.... but not after you put in new set of gears and install lockers.... (what I'm about to do).

See, I was just looking at an Explorer the other day,,,,, to buy it for my wife that is and looked closely underneath for "trail signs" (scrapes, damage). Why? sometimes people just take these, abuse them and then unload and let someone else worry about it.... isn't that the truth?

Later and /././././. good luck!
