need some odd radio help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need some odd radio help


Well-Known Member
March 15, 2004
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hey guys i have a tough question for you. I am installing a radio into my dads friends 85 volkswagon for him but the tricky part is he has no money so I am installing a old delco cassette deck radio he had lying around in his volkswagon for him. I got the cars wiring diagrams no problem my problem is the radio has a pig tail on it but no wiring diagram to tell me what the wires are for on the radio itself. does anyone know of a website or source to look up to find the radios wiring diagram itself? I cant find any serial numbers on the radio itself, on the front it says: Delco Weather Band it is a cassette deck radio , on the back the wire colors in the pig tail are as follows , I need to know what the power and ground and speaker wires are ect..

Red heavy guage ( im assuming power lead)
Black heavy Gauage ( assuming ground lead)
smaller guage black wire
grey lead
brown lead
small guage red lead
orange lead
green lead
purple lead
dark green
white lead
yellow lead
blue lead

the radio does have a date on it , it is a 1993 model year Delco brand cassette deck . Thanks for your time and hopefully somebody can help me get a wiring diagram !

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I have the wire diagram for the car I need the diagram for the actual radio cause its not a volkswagon radio its a delco GM radio

Red heavy guage ( im assuming power lead) Yes
Black heavy Gauage ( assuming ground lead) Yes
smaller guage black wire
grey lead
brown lead
small guage red lead
orange lead
green lead
purple lead
dark green
white lead
yellow lead
blue lead

Still need the diagrams but you should have 8 wires for your speakers. + & - for front right/left and rear right and left. You will also have a trigger wire for a power antenna, a wire for dash light illumination and a constant power input for memory. As for the colors, I think I forgot those back in '86 or so. I hope that this can at least give you a start to figuring it out.

Check the casing on the stereo itself. Most of the delco's have the diagram stamped into the sheet metal casing.

no luck I looked at the case and got nothing it dont even have a serial or model number on it ?? weird well I will keep trying. I think i narrowe down 2 speaker channels. The car only has 2 front speakers in it so I might be able to get by with what wire I have. thanks for all the help guys


Man, If this guy has no money, How is he going to pay you for all the trouble you are going through. Installing a New Cd Player is about a 2-hour job, so that would be 10-20$. I dont know how long its going to take you to figure this out and install It but you better get payed accordingly.

its a freebie job its one of my dads close friends so i just get paid my hourly wage

Yeah, thats good enough.
