Need to clean leather and plastic the right way. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need to clean leather and plastic the right way.

Hey all, I have a job of detailing an 02 F-150 supercrew Lariat tomorrow and I'm wondering what product is the best, and is also widely availible, to use to clean leather and the plastic interior pieces before using a leather protectant like armor-all. Thanks for any replies in advance.

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armor-all sucks!

use a quality product like lexal... do a search, someone recently did there interior and it was awesome

I used Zaino for the leather. I would not recommend anything else but that now. The smell of the leather seats was nothing short of breath taking. I took some before and after pictures of them while cleaning and treating. If you can't find the thread let me know, I think I also posted them in the audio forum on my worklog. But a picture is worth a thousand words. Good luck.

The seat on the right has been cleaned with Zaino, but not conditioned.


Here they are after cleaned and conditioned with Zaino


Wow! Those look awesome, thanks for the replies guys! Today I'm just gonna get to do the interior (my least favorite part) due to thunder showers this afternoon.

I would put Jergen's hand lotion on my leather seats before I put Armour All on.


I used Meguiars Leather cleaner/conditioner. Worked pretty good.
