need urgent help: all dash gauges quit working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need urgent help: all dash gauges quit working


New Member
December 30, 2006
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City, State
mesa, arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 explorer xlt
hi guys, ive got a huge problem on my hands. last night, i blew the in-line fuse to my aftermarket subwoofer. when i turned on my explorer to drive out and buy a new fuse, i saw that all of my gauges stopped working :( . my gas gauge, tachometer, voltage meter, speedometer, everything. they all wont work. all lights and windows work, so im guessing its a fuse or relay. does anyone know what i need to replace or look at?

the car is a 95 explorer xlt 4.0, stock except for 12" subwoofer i had put it professionally. i drive this car to school and work, and i need to try and fix it asap. i appreciate any and all help!


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Its almost 100% defintely a fuse. As far as which one, i'm not sure. Check your owners manual, the internet, anywhere.. find yoruself a diagram. Your fuse box is on the far right hand side of your dash, theres a little cover you pull off. The one that you need is the gauge cluster, or something along those lines.

Just find a diagram of which fuse it is, pull it out and check it. I guarentee you thats the problem. If the fuse in there is ok, then come back here and i'll help you troubleshoot it.

ya its probably the fuse, if u have a manual look in the back of it and there are diagrams to what fuse is for what. if u dont have a manual go to the ford site and download one, thats what i did. or u could just start at the top and pull all the fuses, thats a pita tho haha. the fuse box is on the drivers side of the dash, open the door and its right behind the headlight switch

thanks for your help guys, i really appreciate it.
i found a diagram but i dont see a fuse for the instrument pannel, what would it be labeled as?

BTW, i had my subs installed along with the stock explorer deck. which means they had to rig the 'remote turn on' wire to something under the dash, rather than out of the head unit. so maybe something burnt up with that, and took the suppy for the guages along with it. does that make sense?

for the fuse, i would just start guessing and checking, 20 and 29 are for the radio so check those maybe, if all else fails, pull them all one by one.
