Neutral Tow Kit - V6 YES, V8 NO ??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Neutral Tow Kit - V6 YES, V8 NO ???


New Member
December 31, 2003
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Ely MN
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2004 Limited
I plan to purchase a 2004 Explorer Limited and flat tow it behind a motorhome.

My dealer tells me the Neutral Tow Kit is available for the 4.0L V6 Control Trac 4WD system but is NOT AVAILABLE for the 4.6L V8 with Control Trac. The Ford parts database does not explicitly show that the kit IS NOT available for the V8 -- it only shows that it IS available for the V6. The parts manager says he has "talked to Ford" and cannot get any different answer.

As far as I can tell, both engines use the same T-case and I can see no reason why the kit, which is a simple electrical modification, will not work for both engines. I'm guessing that Ford simply neglected to update the parts database when the V8 became available.

Does anyone know to contact Ford to find out:

1) Is it true that the kit does not work with the V8 and

2) If not, why not?

Thanks for your help,

Ron Gratz
1994 Explorer
1997 Expedition
2004 Explorer (if Ford gives me the right answer)

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Originally posted by V8BoatBuilder
I belive they use different transfer cases.

If they're both Control Trac systems, I would think they'd use the same. I'll take a look if I remember at the 4.6 tomorrow and see if its the same as mine.

According to the Explorer 4-Door 2004 Technical Data

there is only T-case -- BorgWarner 4411

and one transmission -- Ford 5R55E.

It still seems to me that, if a neutral tow kit will work on a BW 4411 hooked to a V6, it also should work on a BW 4411 hooked to a V8.

Does anyone know how to contact Ford to check into this? My local dealer doesn't seem to be getting any results.


Ron Gratz

There should be two T/C, one for Control Trac, and one for AWD. But both are options for either motor and this info is pointless.

Originally posted by IAmTodd
There should be two T/C, one for Control Trac, and one for AWD. But both are options for either motor and this info is pointless.

Yes, there are two T/Cs. The Ford Technical Data sheets which I cited do not list the BW 4410 T/C which appears to be a single speed unit used with the AWD. The BW 4411 is the Control Trac T/C.

It seems obvious that, if the BW 4411 can be equipped with the neutral tow kit on a V6, you also can do it on the V8. However, before installing the kit on a new vehicle, it would be nice to get Ford to confirm that it is okay.

You should have no problem. What the modification does is allow the shift motor to move to the neutral position on the T-case. This disengages both the front and rear drive lines from the tranny.
If you get adventurious you can crawl under the truck and remove the transfercase shift motor. You will notice that there are markings next to the shifting stem that says H....N....L. H for high speed, N for Neutral, and L for Low speed. The modification I believe is really a switch that plugs into the harness that applies a voltage to the shift motor to switch the position to the Neutral position.

They don't have a nuetral on the v8 awd because there is no shift motor on the t case.
and one transmission -- Ford 5R55E.
Yeah, I'd like to see how long a 5r55e lasted behind the v8. They don't evem make the 5r any more do they? I thought they junked it in 2003?

Anyone install one? Would like to figure out if it is just another resistance setting on the dash switch or it is a modification to the connector on the motor.

I'm getting ready to install. I purchased the kit from Ford parts and have to take it in to a dealer to install. The instructions given with the kit are simple and I would do it myself. However, you have to program the vehicle computer to activate the switch. I don't have a way to change the simple one setting for the computer, so I have to take it to a Ford dealer and pay about $300 for the install. Mine is an 05 v6 4x4 that is not AWD. Its my understanding that on AWD, you cannot put the T-C into neutral, and therefore cannot tow 4 down. Will let you now later how the tow goes. I'm planning on pulling the XLP about 5000 miles this summer.

In 2002 the 5R55E transmission was changed, the case itself is different. From 2002 on the 5R55W for the V8's is new, and has the same rear housing bolt pattern as the V6 5R55E.

Thus the V6 and V8 can both have either a Control Trac transfer case, or the AWD TC. Either TC may be on any truck, so the key for the towing should be whether it has AWD or not. As said the AWD TC has no shift motor, it is a full time AWD.

I don't know about the PCM programming that may be required to give that towing feature. The V8 PCM is definitely different from the V6 PCM. If that towing feature isn't possible with the V8 it will be because of the PCM, not the TC. As mentioned the shift motor covers/controls the internal shifting from the back of the TC. Something could likely be done without the PCM being involved. That would deal with the GEM and wiring and shift motor. Consult with someone very familiar with those wiring functions. Good luck,

I'm getting ready to install. I purchased the kit from Ford parts and have to take it in to a dealer to install. The instructions given with the kit are simple and I would do it myself. However, you have to program the vehicle computer to activate the switch. I don't have a way to change the simple one setting for the computer, so I have to take it to a Ford dealer and pay about $300 for the install. Mine is an 05 v6 4x4 that is not AWD. Its my understanding that on AWD, you cannot put the T-C into neutral, and therefore cannot tow 4 down. Will let you now later how the tow goes. I'm planning on pulling the XLP about 5000 miles this summer.

I've got a lot of towing time and miles now on our 05 Explorer 4 down. Overall it tows pretty nice and tracks well. Towing does wear the tires more than expected, and for next 4 down, will be looking for a lighter vehicle.
