New box design...(pics) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New box design...(pics)


I like to fiddle...
April 23, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Fairfax, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Limited v6
Ok guys, after watching Typhoon build his box, he got me hooked. I decided I needed a reason to build a new box, so I went out and bought 4 more subs, to go with the 3 I already have, and am currently looking for another amp to match the one I have right now. I'll be running 6 MTX 6000 10" subs with 2 760w amps (amps going to be upgraded during the summer... expo5.0 =P). The driving point behind my design is space. I want the box as SMALL as possible, however not killing the volume.

They arn't the best, but oh well - you get the point.


This is a side view.. imagine the whole box cut down the middle. The place that holds the amps will be an entirely seperate box from the one that is holding the subs. This is so that I can take the subs out and not have to worry about disconnecting billions of wires. It also makes calculating the total volume much easier =P
The amp box will have a clear plexiglass cover and the amps tilted down, the top one pulled back a little bit.

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Looks like a realy good design.... Go for it!

Is it true that mounting amps on the box will wreck them over time due to vibrations?

It looks nice, but have you measured that you have that much space?
I picture you running out of room width-wise.
I hope they fit like that.
You could make 2 subs fit under the rear seats, firing up.

There's only 6 inches between the wheel well and the side of the truck... you sure that's going to work?

I think once you make that cardboard design, it'll be more realistic for all of us...

Keep up the good work!

Looks great, but I agree the space is way tighter than that looks. I had 4 -12 in a similar setup at one point in my Ex and it took the entire width.

if you look at the 2nd diagram, the subs on the outside will be at a 45* angle and will be infront of the other 4 subs. By putting it at a 45* angle, I should be able to keep the sides pretty close to 6"deep.

Right now I'm assuming 12" of room per mounted sub. It will probably end up being close to 11". I will probably have to move the bottom subs up, so that their wide points end sup being overtop the wheel wells. This diagram is very primitive - just sending out the general idea. And yes, in a couple of days I'll *hopefully* have the prototype built.
