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New CAI for V8 STA

Untill someone can figure out a way to dissable the Trac Control on this vehicle there will not be a dyno in the world that can produce real numbers. Turning the trac control off with the button is great under 35mph...once the trac get's above that the trac control automatically turns backl on. Even on the best CAI out there (which I belive the noc-perf one is) you will only see a gain of 3-5 rwhp anyhow!

Take it form those who have done the mod....IT WORKS!

I think the SCT programmer can disable the trac control, that's what I heard anyways...

BTW - any of you guys with the STA, is the AWD system always in AWD or is it just RWD until it detects slippage and goes into AWD?

I have the 07 Limited ST 4x4 (Non-Adrenalin) which has 3 modes:

I wanted to do some RWD only burnouts but with the Auto-4x4 mod and no RWD only mode, as soon as my truck detects slippage it engages the 4x4 system automatically...
But I have solved it and bypassed the auto-mode so now it stays in RWD only by means of a switch I've installed and a relay that interupts power to the 4x4 system! yay!
I'll post some vids and pics and howto soon!
Just wondering how the STA's AWD works to see if this can be done to them as well! :)

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Unfortunately, the Xcal cannot disable the auto-all-wheel drive.

Definitely post some pics how you disabled the auto 4x4. Also, I like to see a vid of your burnout!

Unfortunately, the Xcal cannot disable the auto-all-wheel drive.

Definitely post some pics how you disabled the auto 4x4. Also, I like to see a vid of your burnout!

I didn't say the XCAL can disable the auto-all-wheel drive - i said it can disable the Traction Control (Advance Trac) that limits and lowers the engine rpm to gain traction to the wheels...

I'll see if I can get some pics and video footage tomorrow if its nice out!

Sorry I misunderstood you.

No problem! I just read the features on the SCT website, then I read "not all adjustments are available on all vehicles" like the transmission shift points on ST isn't available - might be the same with the SCT might not be able to disable the trac control... :(
Anyone with this tuner clarify this? I hope it can disable the trac control! :)

No problem! I just read the features on the SCT website, then I read "not all adjustments are available on all vehicles" like the transmission shift points on ST isn't available - might be the same with the SCT might not be able to disable the trac control... :(
Anyone with this tuner clarify this? I hope it can disable the trac control! :)

My SCT is on it's way in teh mail....what I can tell you is that the Trac COntrol (even when turned off) automatically kicks in at 35MPH. Which Means on a dyno the traction control, even if tunred of by teh button on teh dash or teh SCT Tuner, is going to come on and start to function at 35mph because the front wheels are not turning.
