New from Alberta CA | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New from Alberta CA


New Member
November 26, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Alberta Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 EB 5.0 AWD
Hi new guy from Rocky Mountian House Alberta , always been a Ford guy and figured this would be the best place for Ranger and Explorer information. I recently purchased a 96 5.0 AWD EB Explorer for the motor ( not streetable because of rust holes in the roof and other things) and after driving it around the farm that the whole chassis seems in good shape. So I have decided it will live on ! under a 1947 Mercury 2 ton body (Was going to use a 88 ranger chassis) so I will search existing forum discussions prior to asking questions but may need the expertise of someone more familiar with certain things
Thanks for havin me

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my neighborhood neighbors have 2 of the mercs I would like to see that done but that thing is going to be a beast off road I think turning it into SOMETHING is a good idea.

