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New speakers


Explorer Addict
November 28, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Quincy, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Sport XLT Premium
Got my new speakers for my birthday today!! They sound so awsome! I got the Pioneer TS-6867. I highly recommend these speakers to everyone. They've got a great sound.

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are those the new pioneer 6x8's? I got a set of 6x8s on the way and was hoping they will sound good.

What are you doing with the old speakers, if they are still in good condition?

Where did you get them, and how much did they cost?

The TSA-6867 are the 3-ways, isn't that correct? I purchased a set of the TSA-6857 which are 2-way and I have been very happy with them.

Yeah the TS-6867 are the 3-ways. They cost me $95 by themselves from Circuit City. Yes this is the newest version of the 6x8's by Pioneer.

$95 for the pair? Or is that a piece?


I found those Pioneer speakers on ebay.
I am looking for some great speakers to put in my front doors and rear. I don't have an amp or sub yet, but just want to start by getting some really good speakers for the regular areas.

Does everyone recommend these for crisp sound and some decent bass?

Would there be anything else I would need for installing these speakers into my x?


The Pioneer speakers should make you happy.

Good luck.....

Did you put your new pioneer speakers in the front or rear doors. Because on sight it says that those dont fit in the front.

On my 96 sport they fit into the front no problem at all and there are alot of people who have them in front so i have to assume Crutchfield is wrong on this.

I have not installed the speakers into my x yet.

What would be the size for the front doors? I was thinking I would just put those pioneers in the front and back but should I just put 2 in the back?
Will that supply me with a pretty decent sound?

I have them in all four slots. they fit just fine and sound good enough for the price. It was a good choice.

Thanks for the help. I just wanted to make sure they fit before buying them.
