New to the Forum, need some help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New to the Forum, need some help


New Member
January 21, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Monterey, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Hey, I wanted to do a big project on my Ford Explorer and being my first car and all.... I have no idea what I am doing..

thinkin about:
putting a lift kit, sound system, and a new exhaust

possibly repainting it..
this whole idea is still up in the air for me.. so if anyone out there can help me.. that would be greatly appreciated! :p

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2 inch torsion twist 3 inch body lift some 32in rubber on the sound stuff or exhaust stuff im not to big on do some searchs there is a lot of help for anything on this site its amazing

Welcome to the forum! Definitely checking out the different sections of the forum will give you a good idea of what is involved with whatever you are looking to do and also give you some tips on how to do it.

My vote is for remote trans fluid filter kit, trans cooler, and synthetics in the front & rear diff. Then stereo, paint, chrome tips, etc...

Make sure you post some before and after pics :D:thumbsup:

Yeah.. Def all the tune up stuff, fluid stuff, then the mod stuff.

And remote trans fluid filter kit??

My vote is for remote trans fluid filter kit, trans cooler, and synthetics in the front & rear diff. Then stereo, paint, chrome tips, etc...

Make sure you post some before and after pics :D:thumbsup:

Ok, wow! thank you all for the great info!

I called some mechanics in my area.. and one of them said that Ford 97 explorer models do not any lift kits made for them because of the torsion bar is welded on rather than bolted on. any more info on that?
