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Nice body and interior for cheap


Explorer Addict
September 2, 2011
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Look's Nice...For that price I'd buy it if I was looking for another vehicle...Your probably right there's gotta be something wrong with it...( look's to good to be true) In my area you can't find one that look's that good for that price...

Look's Nice...For that price I'd buy it if I was looking for another vehicle...Your probably right there's gotta be something wrong with it...( look's to good to be true) In my area you can't find one that look's that good for that price...

I'm sure there's something major wrong with it, but judging from the photo it looks like maybe they drove it somewhere to take the picture, so maybe it still runs and drives... I emailed the seller asking what's wrong with it, being a SOHC V6 odds are 50/50 it's the engine or trans. Odd thing is that the add says it has a 3rd row seat. This option was never available in a Gen II, makes me wonder. It appears to have good tires on it, which are worth $400 right there. Plus scrap value should be around $300. Maybe it's a craigslist scam.

*sniff sniff*

Smells like a scam. Atlanta craigslist but southern Georgia area code.

Waddaya think of this one?

2001 Mercury Mountaineer

Too much?

No pics of interior so hard to tell. Doesn't look too cherry in the exterior pics and priced way high to my area. I Paid $2150 for a better example with fewer miles back in 2012.

With Torque Monster Headers installed and $400 Bilsteins? It would be worth $2800 to me...

Anything from Cali is considered cherry if your in MI. lol

It doesn't look like it has a 3rd row in the pic.
Maybe it has one of those removable child seat third rows. You know, where the seats held down by bungee cords.

Maybe the owner doesn't have the title. If you know what I'm sayin' :)

Scam, I've got the same listing here.

Scam, I've got the same listing here.

They re-posted the ad saying it has only 85K on it, so I figured it was definitely a scam. Pretty truck though.

I'd just call from a payphone, if you can find one...

I just wonder exactly what this scam is. Maybe it's where you show up to see/buy it and they rob you (or worse). We had a CL case in GA recently where an older couple went to look at mid 60's Mustang. They guy murdered them both and stole the cash.

If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
