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no high idle


Elite Canuck STOCK SUCKS!
Elite Explorer
January 22, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
selkirk, manitoba
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 supercharged 347 sport
i have a 90 ranger 4x4 with a 4.0L . for what ever reason when i first start it when the both truck, and outside is cold, it will go to a high idle of about 1500-2000 rpm, then within about 5 seconds it will idle at about 750-800 rpm. anyone have any causes or fixes for this. it wouldn't normally bother me, but when it's -40 (today) it gets a little frustrating that i let it idle for about 10mins, and the truck is still cold.

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well i swore that it idled at about 1500 or so for a lot longer then 5 to 10 seconds. i know my 98 sport will idle around that for about 3 or so mins depending on how cold it is outside.

IIRC, mine does about the same as your ranger does. But then again that is in about 10 degree weather, much warmer than yours. I am not sure if there's anything you can do, maybe tie a string to the throttle and tie it off on something on the motor :D Probably not the best solution, I'm wondering if there's something electronically that can be done rigged up to a switch for a high idle, like newer diesels have to help them warm up.
