no speedometer after trans replaced (by me) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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no speedometer after trans replaced (by me)


learning to be expert
December 26, 2014
Reaction score
McDonald, PA
City, State
McDonald, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer xlt 02 ST
i just replaced the trans in my 02 sport trac and have no speedometer and OD light is flashing now. please help. i made sure all connections on trans were tight and i didn't mess with speedometer sensor seeing how it is on the rear diff on this truck. :mad: spent two weekends replacing this thing and am not at all happy with the results.

by the way i did it all on my back. no vehicle lift or trans lift.

OD is continuously blinking.

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Are you sure it's on the rear dif on your truck?

I don't know for sure on these vehicles... generally vehicles have two vehicle speed sensors, one on the front of the transmission (input shaft speed sensor / vehicle speed sensor 1) and one on the back of the transmission, or in dif, or on wheel (wheel speed sensor).

The one on front MAY just use your crank sensor instead of actually having a speed sensor on front. if there is one on front, sure you plugged it back in? and didn't stretch or break any wires pulling trans out? or pinch wires putting it in?

If I were you, after a thorough visual inspection which it sounds like you've done, I would pull codes. If you get codes generally they will tell you at least where to start looking. Places like autozone will sometimes do this for free (I'd imagine they have the ability to pull transmission codes? maybe not?)

just bought a reader and it says speed sensor. Yes it is on the rear diff. i made sure no wires were stretched because i unplugged them before i dropped it and when i put the thing back in i made sure no pinching occurred. thanks for trying though.

The VSS and ABS control the speedo, you might need to just get the system reprogrammed. I'm not completely familiar with the trans on these trucks which is one main reason I'm doing a complete drivetrain swap since my trans started going. The member you want to ask is NICE59FORD100, he's the guru on that topic.

If you post this question in the transmission and drivetrain section you'd get a lot more help rather than in the ST sub section. Not everyone on the site look in the ST section, we're the red head basted step child to the Explorer that makes a lot of Ex owners jealous that we have a bed. LOL. I bet it just needs reprogrammed and calibrated.

If you post this question in the transmission and drivetrain section you'd get a lot more help rather than in the ST sub section. Not everyone on the site look in the ST section, we're the red head basted step child to the Explorer that makes a lot of Ex owners jealous that we have a bed. LOL. I bet it just needs reprogrammed and calibrated.

Isn't the first time I was called a *******. Lol

There is another sensor on the trans I think... I stumbled across this post whilst searching for my own issue. Directly above where the shifter connects is a two pin sensor. Check and make sure that is plugged in correctly.

well i figured out what was wrong with the speedo. YAY!!!! it was the plug on rear of the transmission. when i took trans out i had trouble unplugging it and the outer housing of the plug broke off a little so when i plugged it in it didnt stay seated so speedo didnt work. luckily the transmission i bought had the whole wiring harness so i took the plug off that and spliced it onto my harness and voila it worked. thanks for all your support and encouragement.

Awesome man. Glad it was a free, easy fix. I usually have to ziptie connectors back on because I snap the clips that hold them in place. LOL

Awesome man. Glad it was a free, easy fix. I usually have to ziptie connectors back on because I snap the clips that hold them in place. LOL

Dude on my 99 explorer, the shifting cable is zip tied in place on bracket that holds it place. Zip ties can be your best friend just like what I call wonder-wire aka clothes hangers. Lol

The shifter cable adjuster and most any other connectors are ziptied on my truck. I always carry them with me. LOL
