Noise coming from intake | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Noise coming from intake


Active Member
August 27, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Billings MT
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 Eddie Bauer
The other day I was sitting in our exploder and noticed kind of a hard urpp noise everytime the engine would shed load while parked. So I decided to investigate and was thinking it was either the water or power steering pumps. But apparently it is coming from the intake. when I place my hand on it there is a vibrations when it makes the noise. So I pulled the cover and it is very loud when this happens. I have yet to really dig into it but I was thinking maybe it was a pcv valve sticking or something any one have any idea?

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No body have any ideas?

Please try to describe the noise and when it does this.

Also, what kind of Explorer and engine do you have, how many miles and what service has been done, and if there are any mods.

It is a 2003 Eddie Bauer Explorer, with the 4.6 V8. Like I said it only does this when the engine sheds load at idle. I replaced the PCV valve and no help though it does seem a tinch quieter might just be my mind. I was thinking maybe the EGR valve? Not quite sure what all to look at. There is no change in performance or gas mileage.

any one have any more ideas? im having the same problem with mine please help1
