OD Light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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OD Light


Well-Known Member
March 17, 2008
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'98 Explorer 4X4
last night while driving home my Od light went off and stayed off until i turned the car off and restarted it. i pressed the button and it still stayed off. any idea what it could be bad or good? the light never flashed and it only did it last night when it was storiming out, maybe that has something to do with it? i dunno.

the truck drove fine with or without the od on, just worried it might be something worse that im not seeing or feeling. btw, its a '98 OHV Explorer 4X4

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anybody? any help please. it did it again today while driving to my sisters house

well the other day wine was blinking at me for about 2 ish hours and then stopped all of a sudden i scanned my chceck engine light (which has been on for like a year.. for what i thought was evap.. although i actually didnt find an evap code among the 6 that were in there..) but anywho i had p1744 which is torque converter clutch solenoid.. dunno if maybe you have the same thing.. is ur trans shifting hard or hesitating or acting funny in anyway.. also have u been into any deel water sometimes things get wet underneath and that could set it off occasionally..

well i dont have any check engine light and i scanned it and nothing came up. my car usually sits outside and i only drive mainly highway so havnt been through any water outside of ocasional rain.

the tranny shifts fine thats why im stumped. ican be driving and all of a sudden the od light on the dash says its turned off. but if you press the button nothing happens, it stays off. im begining to wonder if i just have a bad switch

well does ur od actually turn off.. (does it shift at higher rpms) or is it still shifting at your usual rpms

it actually turns off. and shifts to higher rpm's. :mad: making me burn more gas
