ohoh wife just picked up x | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ohoh wife just picked up x


Well-Known Member
March 4, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Albuquerque,New Mexico
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT
I was at work and my wife called and said that her and her sister and her sisters boyfriend ( he has a chevy pk 4x4) want to go to the hills to go offroading. so she came and pick up the x her and her sister my 5 month old daughter and my 7 yr old son. well she has gone with me 4x ing but has never driven so lets see what happens. I called her and she said she was having trouble getting up some hills that the prms were really high.. she was in 4 lo and in 1st all the time :) well i'll call her in awhile and see what she is doing now or if she is has broke anything. hope not good thing i get paid this week hehe

All I can say is you are either really brave or really crazy!
