Oil change issue on 07 sport trac v-6 help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil change issue on 07 sport trac v-6 help!


New Member
May 6, 2016
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City, State
Erie, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Ford F250
Well the girlfriend decided to change her own oil in her 07 sport trac last night. She has always changed he own oil in her other vehicles without issue. This being a new vehicle to her and her first oil change on it. She tried to loosen the drain plug ad it came loose but will not come out. it keeps turning and now will not even tighten up for her. Any known issues with these or any idea how to get out and fix. I'm over an hour away and can not get there to look at it or help her but I'm thinking the bung inside may have broken loose at spot welds but she wasn't sure. or if pan has to come off and replacement anyone know how hard a job it is on this thing. My guess someone previously stripped or cross threaded the plug.. ugh!!
Thanks for any help,

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Threads are pooches. Hopefully the plug only. Gotta get it out and run a tap down the threads and replace the plug. If the threads on the pan are gone you need a new pan. Great time to check for plastic I the pan when you have it off. Find out how close to detonation that time bomb of an engine is.

Great! Thanks for the reply..

If you can get the old plug out, and if the threads in the pan are shot, you can check with a local NAPA store to see if they still carry the expansion type oil pan plugs. It is similar to the old style drain plugs that were used in boats. You push the plug in and tighten the bolt and it expands to seal the drain hole. I wouldn't recommend it as a permanent fix, but it will buy some time to plan for pan replacement.

She was able to get plug out with some "twisting and wiggling" as she put it lol and put a screwdriver in behind for pressure while loosening. The threads in pan were fine she said and plug had stripped threads. new drain plug in and finished..

She was able to get plug out with some "twisting and wiggling" as she put it lol and put a screwdriver in behind for pressure while loosening. The threads in pan were fine she said and plug had stripped threads. new drain plug in and finished..
Glad it was a simple fix. Seems her luck is better than mine! ;^)
