Opinions on a couple of Explorers im looking at..... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Opinions on a couple of Explorers im looking at.....


Well-Known Member
July 29, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 5.0 V8 Limited
So I'm leaving for the USA on Friday and decided i gotta buy another Explorer after selling mine for a total song a couple of weeks ago here in the UK.

Ive found a couple that I'm looking at and wanted peoples opinions on which looks/sounds the best deal.

First one, this looks mint but has quite a few miles on and is AWD as opposed to 4WD, not sure much what the big difference is (MPG ?) ?. Its a Florida car so there's not gonna be much if any rust on it.


Second one, 1999 so a year newer, again looks mint, 4WD, mileage is a lot better but there's few details about the truck, Ive messaged the guy for more info, only downside is its white!


Looking or a few opinions and thoughts.

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From my limited knowledge they are both 5.0 L v8's and I thought that the 5 was only available in awd. So both ads are wrong somewhere. The first states that it is a 4.6 which was never fitted to the mk2 and in fact won't fit between the chassis rails. The second claims 5.0 but with 4wd which was not an available option. So buyer beware. Good luck.

Cheers Howards
The white one does actually say 5.0L and AWD but also says 4WD in the options box so yeh im guessing it is AWD


If I were in your position I'd be looking at an Expedition Eddie Bauer trim with a V8 :D

As much as I love the Ex. it'd be an Expedition every time in the US.

FWIW, I think both are overpriced given the age of the trucks and neither colour is appealing. I'm always wary of the Limited due to x4 air suspension and that's why we've always gone XLT (w/ leather) when we've owned as its far less complicated.

At those prices, you could put that amount down and get a new F150 for not too much per month at 0% over 60 months - that'd seriously tempt me but my wife insists that we might have TX in the family, we ain't that Country...but I'll get me a King Ranch one day :D

I had an excursion when in Florida .now that's a beast of
A motor.there is a 61 plate left hand drive in England forsale on autotrader have a look at that.

Yeh i thought both are a little over priced for sure, and hadn't begun to haggle yet! Although when you look at their conditions and whats around online they are the best of the best.F150 would be nice but no way am i getting into a car loan for 5 years or even 2 years, Expedition would be nice but that would be more money and more gas!

Big Bertha im moving to the US and dont want a car in the UK or to have to ship one to the US and Excursion a bit big for my needs, cheers though

Saleen xp8

Send link is xp8 lovely explorer tuned by saleen.this one for me is a must tbh.have seen these go go 20.000 + as not a lot made.
