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Part number problem for RH CV Axle


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January 10, 2021
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Explorer 2013 Limited 3.5
As some of you may know, Ford sometimes updates their parts and the ending titles for the part numbers also becomes different.

I just went to the local dealership to replace front right CV axle, according to my vin I needed BB5Z-3B436-N but seems like it was replaced with BB5Z-3B436-X.

While trying to replace the part, they noticed that the one with the X was not fit properly.
Has anyone experienced something similar to the same or other parts? If so, what was the part number that worked for your vehicle?

bb5z-3b436-x or bb5z-3b436-AB seems to be the proper ones but non of those are fit for the models that are built during or before 2012

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As some of you may know, Ford sometimes updates their parts and the ending titles for the part numbers also becomes different.

I just went to the local dealership to replace front right CV axle, according to my vin I needed BB5Z-3B436-N but seems like it was replaced with BB5Z-3B436-X.

While trying to replace the part, they noticed that the one with the X was not fit properly.
Has anyone experienced something similar to the same or other parts? If so, what was the part number that worked for your vehicle?

bb5z-3b436-x or bb5z-3b436-AB seems to be the proper ones but non of those are fit for the models that are built during or before 2012
I don't know why your last statement is a concern since you have a 2013 Limited. BB5Z-3B436-AB fits a 2013 Explorer.


I don't know why your last statement is a concern since you have a 2013 Limited. BB5Z-3B436-AB fits a 2013 Explorer.


My 2013 limited was built in 2012. Yes, in theory BB5Z-3B436-AB should fit, but it does not.

If you can read the description on the link you just posted, it also mentions From 1/27/14


Suggest to your dealer that they call the help hotline in Detroit.

There were multiple possibilities based on engine, towing option, and production date and someone is going to need to sort it all out.

Our 2104 AWD w/towing was made in November 2013 before they changed to the new design. When I needed to replace the right front I bought what I thought was the correct one and it was not even close. I went back to O'Reillys and they brought in three different 2014 Explorer joints and we matched it up to the old one. The difference was the intermediate bearing and bracket, just to the right of the joint on the right and where it attached to the frame and 1/9". After 1-24-14 the intermediate bearing bracket is turned the other way with the bolt holes right next to the joint. Top is new design, bottom older design.


Our 2104 was made in November 2013 before they changed to the new design. When I needed to replace the right front I bought what I thought was the correct one and it was not even close. I went back to O'Reillys and they brought in three different 2014 Explorer joints and we matched it up to the old one. The difference was the intermediate bearing mounting bracket and where the bracket attached to the frame.

Is there any chance you could check your order document to see what was the part number that worked for your vehicle? Maybe I`m asking too much but I would really appreciate if you can provide more details.

So, you bough the one from those guys right? https://www.oreillyauto.com/

Well......I don't have the O'Reilly part #, the shaft from O'Reily's was defective, the intermediate bearing was howling so I returned it for a credit and went to Ford. The Ford part number was FB5Z 3B436H which I believe is for the new part. Ford dealer used a new bracket, DB5Z 3K305B that accommodated the new design.

Well......I don't have the O'Reilly part #, the shaft from O'Reily's was defective, the intermediate bearing was howling so I returned it for a credit and went to Ford. The Ford part number was FB5Z 3B436H which I believe is for the new part. Ford dealer used a new bracket, DB5Z 3K305B that accommodated the new design.

So, if I got it right, even though the new part has the updated design, it can still fit with the help of the bracket - DB5Z3K305-B, right?

I never asked that question but that is what the dealer installed based on the part numbers.
