Piston connecting rod bolts/nuts... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Piston connecting rod bolts/nuts...


August 30, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Portsmouth, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4
My explorer (4.0L V6 Pushrod vin-x) has a brokken crankshaft.It broke clean off infront of the timming gear.I reached under the truck and pulled out the crankshaft pulley and discovered that the pulley bolt was there and a inch of the crankshaft.If the bolt was 3/4 of a inch longer this would have not happened.Anyways,my new crankshaft came in today and in the kit there were no connecting rod bolts/nuts.I went to some auto part stores and noone has bolts or nuts in stock and they can't order them.In my Hanes manual it says that the bolts are torque-to-yield (stretch in other words)and are NOT reuseable.Why did'nt the kit come with it knowing you have to take off the nuts/bolts? :fire: Has anyone ever reused the nuts/bolts?Does anyone know where to buy them? The past couple of months has not been my months,besides my explorer with the crankshaft,my wifes explorer (same yr.,eng.,trans. and its also a 4x4)has O2 senser and transmission trouble.Solenoid in the trans. went out but, I don't think that is the only problem with it so the hell with it I'm going to buy a O2 senser and a transmission (I can get a tranny $125).Knowing my luck here lately I'll get every back together and it will run great for a couple of days,then fall apart like in a cartoon!Pray for me please?
