Power seat stuck all the way forward- I'm pulling my hair out | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power seat stuck all the way forward- I'm pulling my hair out


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March 31, 2010
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I have a 98 Explorer, and the driver's power seat is stuck in the full forward position. The switch will move the seat up and forward, but I don't even hear the motor when I try and put it down or back. I looked at the box that the switch is hooked up to, and all the connections look fine. What's going on here? By the way, if there's a way to manually adjust the seat, can someone fill me in? Thanks.

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No loose wires on the seat switch itself? Maybe the switch is going out?

The switch is bad. I had to replace mine 3 or 4 years ago. Id dod the exact same thing.

Alright yall, thanks for the quick answers. Logically it seems like it would have to be the switch. No loose wires or bad connections or anything, though I wasn't able to check the motor connections with a multimeter (awkward position.)

So does anyone know where to grab a new switch? Or how much it should cost from the dealer/repair center? It seems like it should be easy enough to DIY, so if someone can point me to the parts I need I'd be grateful.

You could try a local junk yard and hopefully there is an explorer with power seats.

OK, thanks. Any idea how much it should run if I end up taking it to a repair center (I may not have a choice, my parents may want to take it in, but I'd like to know for reference.) I can't imagine it's more than a $100 job?

You'd be surprised how expensive some "quick fixes" can be. The ford dealer wanted to charge me over $300 to change my IAC before I knew it was a 5 minute fix and a $50 part. Just find the switch from a junk yard or an auto parts website and DIY

OK, thanks. Any idea how much it should run if I end up taking it to a repair center (I may not have a choice, my parents may want to take it in, but I'd like to know for reference.) I can't imagine it's more than a $100 job?

The switch itself is $75 or more.

That is a $5 switch at the junkyard or from ebay. It is not a performance part and hardly ever used so you can skimp out on it. Mine is busted too but if you wiggle it it might work, mine only works when I wiggle it back and forth, clearly a contact problem, moisture gets in and the switch goes bad.
