Power Window Fix | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Window Fix


New Member
July 10, 2006
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City, State
Birmingham, Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
I have a '92 Explorer XLT and 3 of the 4 windows will not go up and down anymore (only the driver's side front works). The motors still work, but it just "clicks" and it sounds like the gears are stripped.

I have checked out a couple of threads on this forum that deal with how to replace the nylon gears. http://www.explorerforum.com/Singleton/web/pages/window.html

My problem is this: I can't see how to get to the motor assembly to deal with the gears. I'm working on the back passenger door and I took off the door panel, but found a layer of white plastic covering the inner door. There was a perforatted circle in the plastic which I cut out, and I also cut out another hole. The motor assembly is attached to the inside of the steel door panel. I can get my hand in the holes, but can't really determine what to do next to find the suspect gears.

I may be missing something really simple to deal with this, but I need some help. What are the appropriate steps to take after you pop the door panel off?

TIA, bw92

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I think you have to drill out the dimples with a 1/2 inch bit, to get at the motors mounting bolts. Then unplug the motor, unbolt it, and it should just come right out. I have replaced a whole motor before, but the dimples were already drilled, and I didnt do the gears.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Looks like exactly what I need.

I thought this would be a great place to get the answer. Thanks for the fast replies... bw92

Fixed all 3 windows this weekend following 85Dave's excellent step-by-step instructions w/ pictures.

Went to AutoZone and bought HELP! pack of Window Regulator Gear Plugs (Part #74410) for $7.68. The package contained 3 nylon bushings, which did the trick when replaced in the motor gear housing.

Now all my windows are working again and I saved a bundle doing it myself. Thank you again for pointing me in the right direction. This forum is a great resource.

