Pulled down the A/C system.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pulled down the A/C system..


New Member
September 24, 2005
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Haddonfield, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 explorer sport
it is amazing what one finds when an A/C system is disassembled. Needless to say, when I pulled the orifice tube, it was LOADED with black chunky stuff. Yes, I had a compressor fail last summer and I paid a friend $350.00 to replace with a USED compressor and he charged it with freeze 12. I didn't know any better at the time however, something clued me in when he told me that he would only warranty the work for 90 days. If at that time, it failed again, he wanted to charge me another $100.00 for an accumulator! This is why I decided to try my hand at this myself. As I write this, I am replacing all the O-rings and orifice tube. The orifice tube is a variable type, red color. What came out of it looks to be blue. Don't know if this matters or not. I really want to post that pic of the tube so everyone can see this mess. Shamaal, if you can do me another favor and post for me. Let me know. Again, if it wasn't for this board and the wonderful people on it, I don't know what I would have done! Thanks again!

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Send it on.

You're day is just beginning.

As a minimum also replace accumulator. Flush out evaporator, muffler and condensor, that crap is everywhere and in everything. Do not flush compressor. Some recommend replacing the condensor.

If the condensor does not come clean on 2 flushes, replace it... also the liquid line with the little can "muffler" on it is impossible to flush, I'd replace it too.

Add oil to spec.

A long evacuation is a good idea - 1 hr min.

ps. an accumulator is about $50.

FN7 your pictures are posted, excuse me while I go wash my hands.

Wait a minute ... I'm channeling the God of refrigerants .....
Tetrafluoroethane says that there is something in your future .... I can't make it out exactly ......

You will need a new condi-something .......

I got it ! Condoleeza Rice you're going to procure a new Secretary of State! You lucky Dog! :D

Whoops! .... my mistake Tetrafluoroethane says it's a new condensor. There's a new condensor in your future.

I would take comfort in the amount of money that you would pay an A/C shop to do the work is more than you would pay to change the entire system and buy the tools. Not to mention the new skills you acquire will make you very popular with the ladies, if you know what I mean ..... just mention cleaning the orifice and watch them swoon. I hear that Condoleeza Rice is quite a catch.


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