RangerX buys another Ranger | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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RangerX buys another Ranger


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
Yup, really! I found a 95 Ranger 4x4, 4.0, manual trans and the same maroon plot mine was originally.
It's in kinda rough shape, it doesn't have 3rd gear, needs a new windshield, and has a brake leak somewhere, but it runs and drives and it's just $200!
Unsure if I'll use it for parts or try to get it road worthy. It only has 90,000 miles, compared to my truck's 340,000.
Comes with near bald 32" all terrains on Mickey Thompson rims, don't know the axle gear yet.
More info when it gets delivered on Friday.


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...Thats awesome...:biggthump

Four and a half years later and it’s still sitting in the backyard! o_O
I’ve robbed a few minor parts off it for Ranger #1, but other than that, no action.
Here’s a pic.

I would so build that thing, hang onto it ranger values are going up here on the mainland

Well I kept it in the backyard for seven years and now it’s gone. Too many non running vehicles and I just bought one more running vehicle so I had to clear space!
It’s going a mile down the road to a Ranger guy who has nine Rangers. He towed it away with a 93 running 40” Swampers on the stock axles.
Second pick shows them passing by my 93 that’s no longer running.
