ratting sound under 01 sport 4x2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ratting sound under 01 sport 4x2


Southern Cali Explorer
November 14, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Newport Beach California & Bay Area California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport (sold)
Hey guys

I have an 01 sport 4x2 and i have been noticing lately when i am at a full stop like at a red light or when i am on idle my explorer is making a rattling sound.

At first i thought it was my flowmasters touching against my rear bumper but they are not even touching the bumper they are like 2 inches away from the bumper.

So I dunno what is causing the rattling sound. And when I take off the rattling sound goes away. It just does it when I am on idle or at a complete stop.

So what you think is causing the problem. Do you think it something reguarding my flowmasters or is it some other issue.

I also looked underneth my explorer and i dunno whats causing the rattling sound.



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It's one of your heat shields coming loose. Take a rubber mallot, go under there and bang away. You'll find it.

when i had a rattle on my 01 sport i found it to be the heat sheild that is connected to the transmission it some how got loose and fell off and was hitting the exhaust. i noticed it after i got my transmission flushed i think they forgot to put it back on

ok thnx guys i give it a shot what does the heat shield do

the heat shield on my cat did this, i just started the truck, and crawled under and saw it rattling against the pipe.

i had it welded back on for $15, since i dont own a welder

do u guys got pics of the heat shield so i can see what i am looking for

they are just thin sheats of metal over the cats, look at your cats and you should be able to see them right on there, just feel around the side of the cat and you will feel the shields edge

ok thnx riley


Make sure they are cold before you go touching them cats and shields.
They get really hot. The shields are there for a reason too, If you find it is one of them, you should do what rileyrs above did, he got them welded.
Some people just tear them off which can cause other problems or even cause fire if you park in the wrong place.
Let us know what you find.
