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Rear shock question


Well-Known Member
November 21, 2007
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City, State
Everson, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Eddie Bauer Explorer
When I do my rear spring-over-axle conversion, what length/travel shocks should I use?

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When I do my rear spring-over-axle conversion, what length/travel shocks should I use?

stock, you move the shock mounts up with the spring mounts so its all in proportion

stock, you move the shock mounts up with the spring mounts so its all in proportion

Oh, duh! My bad, I had a brain fart. That makes it a lot easier!

got any pics of this setup? I'm just thinking (and drew a picture on my desk) that if you flip the brackets upside down and mounted them on top of your spring pack that would be approx 3-4" too long (the thickness of the spring pack).

I ran a shock 2.5" longer than stock while keeping the shock mounting point in the factory location (see my thread on the $32 SOA)

Nice bit of info, there, Danny! Where did you get the GM spring perches?

it's been a while, but I think I got everything at Farm & Fleet back in the day, perches were 8 bucks and u-bolts were 4 bucks each. Out here I'm paying $12 for a u-bolt and I'm sure you can find perches all over for various prices.
