rear windshield wiper... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear windshield wiper...


Well-Known Member
February 15, 2006
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City, State
Tuscaloosa/Hoover Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT 4x4
i been havin some probs with my rear windshield only seems to touch glass where it usually starts and ends, better put it only makes contact with the bottom part of an upside down U, with an upside down u being the wiping motion...i check the entire wiping apparatus and it appears fine, no bends anyone have any clues as to how i might fix this???thanks

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First, try bending the arm. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I modified the wiper arm about three years ago and haven't had a problem since. Pics are in the gallery listed in my signature. Select Explorer Rear Wiper Mod from the pull-down menu. :)


Motor mount desing flaw

You can bend the arm but that leads to other problems. The root cause is the wiper motor is mounted on a thin piece of sheet metal that flexes when the arm is in motion. When the arm is at 12:00 the sheet metal flexes and the blade loses contact with the glass. The fix is to remove the rubber washers at the 3 screw attachments to the sheet metal. Then add metal washers to improve the motor angle on the sheet metal when the blade is at 12:00. If I remember, I add 2 washers on the bottom 2 screws and none at the top.

what size washers were they if you can remember??/

I did the modification that GIJOECAM describes in one of the older forums about grinding off the piece that actually stops the arm from pushing on the glass. It worked great for me. I did not try bending the arm or replacing the motor.
