reasearch on tire sizes with... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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reasearch on tire sizes with...

ok this is simply for research....
i was blessed with stock 3.73's in my pumkin patch. what i need to know is after i do spacers and shackles (someday a 3" body lift) what is the biggest tire size i can go safely with those gears? i am not too worried about tire size including the 3" body lft cause i have not the time, money or patience to do a 3" body lift anytime soon.

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with just a spacer and shackle: 31/10.50s (Definitely) or 32/11.50s (Maybe)

Shackle and Spacer and 3" BL: 32/11.50s (Definitely with some trimming. minimal though) or 33/10.50s (definitely, may need some trimming)

Hope that helps

"Safely" you could run just about any tire size you want. But speaking from experience you wont want to run anything bigger than a 31" tire with 3.73 gears. I ran 31's for a while was very pleased with the performance. I then stepped up to 33's and was very dissapointed since OD became obsolete and my fuel milage dropped to about 11 MPG. Personally I would not go any bigger than 31's unless you plan to re-gear.

I run 32's with 3.73's and I have no problem, acceleration is down a little and so is mileage, but its nothing big. you can run 32's with 3.73s just fine.

Check this out. :) Dead Link Removed And IMO 33's max with 3:73's 32's will be fine.

I second 32's are alright with 3.73's which is what i run, but i've got a cat back, kkm air filter, throttle body and intake so that helps the power loss a bit. even WITH those mods i will NOT go larger than 32's because the powerloss will be quite noticable.

if your engine is in good shape and running well go for 32's however you'll probobly have to trim!


well, uhh future mods include heads (port,polish) intake port polish, and some other tricks i have up my i think i may go with the 32's....but what about keeping the stock rims? do they make 32 that arent too wide for 7.5" rims?

7.5"?? isn't a 7" wide rim? well anyway, the 32/11.50s will fit stock rims, but I went with 8" wide rims for a wider stance.

not sure the "dealer" told me 7.5 but then again who can trust the dealer....

Its probably 7 " rim but either way 32x11.5 will fit just fine.

tire size

I'm running 31X10.50 on stock height and I know I could fit 32's. I'm not having too much trouble with the gearing. But I've been running the 31's since I bought it. I'm not sure what my gear ratio is. Someday I'll pull the cover and count teeth.

more than likely you have the 3.23 (something like that). That's what I had before. When I put the 35's on there, I didn't know too much about the gears except the fact that the x strained to get out of it's own way. I love the 4.10, but wish I had 4.56
