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Remote Starter installation


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December 23, 2000
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97-00 HHI, SC ************ 00-02 Boston, MA********** 02-04 Augsburg, GERMANY 04-now Munich, GERMANY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Eddie Bauer
Hey guys,

I bought a Valet 552T remote starter for my 97 EB which I am currently trying to install. Since I already have the factory keyless entry system which I dont wanna mess with, is it possible to install the remote starter but just hook up the "remote starting" part of it? Meaning I use the Valet remote to start the car but use the factory fob to open the car?

Thanx for any help.

Take care.


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Hey- read your post in regards to the remote starter stand alone system ( just basic remote start- right ? ). Do a simple check- start your truck normally as you would with key. Then - once it is running- try using your factory Ford remote to unlock or lock the doors. If your like me- I have a 2000 Ex Sport 2dr- you will be unable to unlock or lock the doors with engine running. Ford has disabled the keyless remote when the key is in ignition turned to run or ignition. I couldn't believe it either!! So- if you run stand alone remote start- it will start your vehicle no problem. However-keep in mind this remote starting & running is just klike having the key in ignition and the vehicle running. SO- long story short- your factory Ford remote will not lock or unlock the doors . I am basing this on my experience with my 2000 Sport with PATS coded ignition key ( Ford antitheft key ) and standard 3 button Ford remote ( lock, unlock & panic buttons).
Now - you may not have a PATS system or a coded key on your 1997 EB ANd your factory Ford remote may operate your locks with key in ignition and engine running ( my brother 's 2003 F150 supposedly work's this way- go figure). So - check this first- if you plan to use Ford remote for locks- check and see if it operates with key in ignition and engine running. I think not- but you may be fortunate and it will work. I found out the hard way it did not- and so went with a full on aftermarket remote start with keyless entry. No regrets.
Hope this will help you out.


You are right. Once the engine is running, the remote is disabled. So the only way to open the runnning car would be either using the key or the door key pad, correct? Is there a way to disable this behaviour? Basically, it seems that the factory remote system in the car receives a signal once the engine is running and disables itself. Could it be possible to locate that signal wire and cut it to make the remote system work even if the engine is running?

In order to keep the functionality of remotely opening the doors, I would have to completely switch over to the remote starter system, which has a built-in remote door opening system. Is the door key pad still functional after doing so?


i have installed several remote start sytems including the one on my 97ex, all the start sytems have safeguards in them so that if it does not unlock your truck it will shut off when the door opens, so i would just go with forgetting about your factory system and use the new alarm because when you start bypassing wires you start running into a whole new world of trouble just MHO

I installed one on my 97EB. I just use the remote start for just that, starting. I did not want to get into hooking up the door locks to that remote. I just unlock with a key after it has been started with the starter keyfob. So, in the winter, I have two keyfobs.

More on remote starts

I do believe the pin pad will work with the key in ignition and engine running.If you have that option on your truck - try it ( suggest you roll down window just in case it doesn't though : )
Now -if that works and your happy with operation like that- go for it and install the stand alone remote start as planned. I like the ability to open doors with the remote - but thats just me.
Another thing to keep in mind- if your 1997 EB is like mine and so many others Explorers out there- this feature cannot be easily disabled to let the remote work when engine is running. The GEM ( generic electronic module) is responsible for sending signals to and from the remote control receiver that operates your power lock, unlock and panic function. It will also illuminate the puddle lamps ( if so equipped) as well as the courtesy lamps in the interior when a lock or unlock command is sent from the remote key fob. I looked over the diagrams for my 2000 a long time. Its more involved then cutting a wire- it has to do with timing sequences ( a lock pulse generates a 125 msec pulse , an unlock pulse < 100 msec) . In fact - the GEM can be accessd by Ford diagnostic equipment and trouble codes retreived- much like the power train control module that keeps your engine & transmission working so well. So - from the best of my knowledge- its a good bet to leave that GEM alone as it could be a costly mistake .(There may be away around this problem but sadly I do not know what it might be.)
On the positive side- the door locks are easily accessed from driver kick panels. Nothing- repeat- nothing has to be cut or disabled from factory to use aftermarket keyless entry. You simply tag on to the factory wires for lock & unlock and use exsiting factory relays and wiring to control your locks. It's really that simple. A negative pulse from the lock or unlock on your starter remote keylees entry outputs tags on to existing factory wiring-triggers the relays and pulse the solenoids - and you have keyless entry.
It comes down to what you need. The stand alone is a great item. The remote start with keyless entry is great too.You decide which way to go- there is no wrong answer here.I repeat- there is no wrong answer - it comes down to what you need, or what you can afford or your ability or just your preference.
Hoe you can get it in soon. Remote start just makes life a little easier - especially with winter soon here. Best to you with your install.

Is there a way I can install one of these on my 2000 XLS and only have one key pad, I wouldn't mind using an aftermarket one. I just don't want to lose my features as I have them now or mess anything up. I noticed something on ebay that meantion having to install that before a remote start due to the pats system. any particular brands to look out for? thanks in advance

For any aftermarket alarms or starters, get a wiring diagram of the wires. Most stereo and alarm shops will provide them to you. All of those special wires and circuits are listed.

I have yet to install mine, but the alarms for PATS require a bypass module. All it does is read a code from a spare key to tell the car that there is an authorized key in the ignition. It only affects starting, and obviously requires a key inside of it.

Tip for the bypass key, have it programmed, but do not have it cut for the ignition. If someone finds it, they cannot use it to start the car. Good luck,

Sounds simple enough, is there a particular brand that everyone likes? I see valet meantioned here.

I would suggest you visit some of the stereo shops and car accessories shops in your area. See what they deal with- and what kind of work they do. Look for equipment that might be coming on sale. You know- even up here in Canada- WALMART is now selling remote starts with keyless entry for the do it yourself installer . True - its an inexpensive line - but you can access a website by the manufacturer for wiring diagrams etc specific to your vehicle. Check for info on these starters and diagrams and lots of info.
The only features you might lose are driver door lock priority with an aftermarket. Many aftermarket models now offer these- and if you want you can wire it up to do this as well. I even have audible (horn honk) confirmation on second lock command from remote - just like Ford does.
There are lots of different choices- start looking and then get installing !!

Werd, I'll get on that.

I have a remote start on my 98. In my setup, the door pad works when the engine is running using the remote start. If the engine is running with the key in the inginition (turned to on, no just in the ignition) then the keypad ceases to work. Not sure why or how this works but its how mine is.
