Rhino Ramps? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rhino Ramps?


Active Member
February 15, 1999
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Anyone have a set? What do you think of them?

I'm thinking of buying a set to help me change my oil, replace 02 sensors, shocks and so forth. I'm not particularly fond of a floor jack or a bottle jack on my asphalt driveway. Also will be used to change oil and other maintenance on the wife's Civic.

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Not sure about Rhino ramps approach angle but w/my metal ones I have to put a piece of 2X4 in front of them for our Honda to drive up on the ramps. Otherwise the air dam pushes the ramps before the wheel gets to them.
They look better than the metal ones...

I use ramps to change my oil and to cleam out the bottom off my X. They work good for that.

Rhino Ramps kick ass. I use them to change the oil in the X and my Town Car. I recently used them for a tranny fluid change in the Town Car also. When the X needed a new O2 sensor, used the ramps. I'm too friggin lazy too drag out the floor jack and stands for small stuff. The angle is not a problem at all, no scraping or anything. They don't even slide, and I use them on the asphalt driveway.

Buy them, use them, love them! :D

Those ramps are very convienent. I use them whenever possible instead of dragging out the jack and stands. I wouldn't recommend buying the metal ones if you're purchasing a set. The plastic ones are super stable and don't rust.

i may need to look into these now... i could easily lay under my truck to do maintenance... but the lowered yota makes it rather difficult now.....
