Rockford vs. JL Audio subs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rockford vs. JL Audio subs


Well-Known Member
September 24, 2000
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1995 Sport 2wd
Alright, i've been hearing a lot about the rockford he2 and hx2 subs, and they seem to be cheaper than JL audio stuff. so what is everyones view on their subwoofers? Sound wise. I like the way JL audio stuff sounds, and i have heard that rockfords have a different sort of bass?? i'm not sure let me know ur thoughts guys

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you should go listen for yourself. decide what you like better. you will mostly get two types of responces from a thread like this:
RF people saying "Rockford is the best, get them"
JL people saying "JL is the best, get them"

hopefully this thread wont become a flame war (i've seen it happen before). luckily a lot of the members of this site are not like that.

haha your right, i didnt even think of that.:rolleyes:

RF people saying "Rockford is the best, get them"
Yeah I love when people suggest a particular setup as the best, and you look at their signature and they have the exact same thing.:D Then again I am Explorer biased. The Hx2's sound good. I was thinking about getting a pair of 12's, but am still undecided. I don't know what model the Hx2's are equivelant to in Jl's line up. What model Jl were you considering?

I have a 12w3 JL Audio and it sounds great !! I have upgraded to a Eclipse Aluminum 15in which totally blows away the JL Audio but very expensive.

That is true about the opinion thing. It will be in your vehicle so it is best that you go to the store yourself with your own CD and play both subs with the same song so you can compare the two.

I'm checkin out the JL w3s

sub question

You definetly need to listen for yourself...that said, I own many subs, and currently have two 10W3 D-4's in my Explorer, wired for 1 ohm mono and using an Orion 225HCCA. Sounds great, but I am sure the Rockford's would sound very good in the proper box as well.
