SALEEN WHEELS ???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ok on my on going quest for the perfect set of rims for my truck i found Saleen. Ok i would looking through a Mustang magazine and found these rims that are 18x8.5 in front and 18x10 in back. Now i'm not sure but i think these can work on my truck i have seen Explorers with 18's before and i think Mustangs have the same bolt pattern if there 5 lug but i could be wrong. Please if anyone can give me some input on this i would be thankfull.

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They will bolt on and "should" work. However, you might have a little rub up front. The rear will be no problem.

Do you have any picuturs of your truck?

nope i don't have any pics yet and your truck looks awesome man we should have our own 2001 Up Sport section. So 17x9 will work but why is it that getting a larger wheel and smaller width make it rub i haven't figured it out just yet. Thanks Black Magic

it matters what the outside size including tire is to wheter it will rub or not

Oh and is there a way to stop it from scrubbing thanks.

Oh so would it be best just to get the same size tire that i have now just for 18's maybe.

no tires on one size rim are different sizes on another..... the formula is like this

235/75/15 235 mm wide, 75 % of 235 mm for single sidewall height, + rim diameter of 15"
(equals about a 28.8" tall total diameter)

where a 235/75/16 is a total of 29.9" diameter

johhny island, ill make this easy for you. FrankRizzo has saleen wheels on his truck. just email or PM him and im sure he'll help you out with fitment issues and tire sizes. hes an active member of the forums; im surprised he hasnt replied to this thread yet.

You got mail........

Long day at work.....

They are 18 x 8.5's. They are ALMOST the same as the Saleen rear wheels for a Mustang, but as Saleen will tell you, some of the stang wheels are not rated for the weight.
Don't matta, they won't sell any more, You'd have to find used ones.

They made 2 different kinds: The one on the grey Explorer were "recalled". The ones on my Exp. are the new ones...


  • wheels.jpg
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Either way i want mine to look like both of them...

So Frank, are the ones you have still available for sale?

Those wheels look great.
Let me test out a new pic...


Originally posted by explorer4x493
So Frank, are the ones you have still available for sale?

I'm not sure....
Sometimes Saleen says that they don't have any more Explorer parts left, but sometimes they say that the X wheels are the "rear" Mustang wheels (depends on who you talk to). My wheels and the mustang rear ones have the same part #.....hmmmm.

The wheels on the Grey Saleen are the recalled ones that "might crack" from the weight of an X. I used to have those ones, and Saleen exchanged them for the ones I have now. You really would have to call Saleen parts to find out.

From the website:

Product ID : 021-445
Category Wheels and Tires
Price: $349.99

You can get them in Silver or Chrome (bling)

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were the saleen wheels you used to have magnesium? or were they just painted gray ones like the ones in the picture. i have a xp8 with magnesium rims(look just like the gray painted ones) and was told by saleen that these rims are ok. now the painted(older) aluminum rims had problems. those had problems with cracking hubs. i think these were the ones you used to have. by the way, all the rim info came from carlos at saleen. he seems to be the only one there that seems to get you the right information(not the run-around like usual). either way you are right, you cannot get the older style anymore.


i think 18 x 10 in the back might be too wide. you would also have to check offset on the rear rims.

Check This:
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WOW, I was really pissed off a year ago. (Whatever happened to YetiX????)
I'm not a fan of anyone in the parts department at Saleen. When I bought all my parts a while back, they double shipped and double billed the order, I refused one compelte order and they never re-credited me. I kept getting the run-around and finally got ahold of the VP in charge of parts (John Dillon) to get my credit.
They have a warranty department, and that was who I dealt with on the wheels. It was like pulling teeth though, and I think I kinda got hosed. The old style "speedline" wheels were $399 (I think) each, and the ones they gave me as replacements were $349. I took digi pics and emailed them to the warranty guy (sorry I don'tremember his name) and he confirmed to me that they were eligible for recall.
They wanted me to pay for a full set and they would ship them out to me, and credit me back when I returned the defective wheels, but considering the problem I described above, I decided to drive down there and pick them up and avoid that situation.

