sand rail/ dune buggy pros i need your help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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sand rail/ dune buggy pros i need your help


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Lynnwood, Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
well i soon want to build a sand rail and i am starting the research on it. i dont understand if i put a 351 in a rail what tranny i could use and how ot mount it? i want a v8 for sure but i heard the built trannies are expensive, maybe i will get one i would jsut have to save for an extra year. I am going to build a long travel a-arm front, how does steering work?

my preliminary goal:
bored and stroked 351
4 seater chassis, with fith car seat in middle of back
a-arm long travel, im saving up for king coil overs

thats it, any help is always great

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Use a transaxle like VW bugs use. Im pretty sure teh Vw one wouldnt work verywell with a v8 but an aftermarket one should be available. As far as steering and Aarms its just like the steering on a torson bar explorer. A rack and pinion box or a steering box and an Idler arm then the steering linkage attaches from that to the knuckles.

My best advice is buy one already built. If you think 4wd stuff is pricy just wait till you get into the sand sports.

You need to get a mendola trans if you are going to put a stroker v8 it that rail. You WILL break any stock or stock modifide vee dub trans...I put a taurus sho 3.0 v6 into a buddies rail and then he turboed it and i tell you with a redline of 7200rpm that thing was sick fast...It showed the assend to a lot of ls1 and northstars out at the dunes.
