Screwy calendar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Screwy calendar


Well-Known Member
June 8, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Atlanta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited WMetTr/Pecan
Pushed the "I" button and looked at the calendar. It showed October 3, 2031. I pushed the today button with no response. Sync tech support said do a master change. I could only manually scroll the date back to 2030. They then said "wait for the update".BTW went by the dealer this AM, and they had no idea how to fix except wait for the update.Everything else seems to work fine with the 2.11 update. Any other ideas?

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This is actually a new feature they have for the Explorer that is special to some Explorers. What you do is you go on the highway and smash the pedal to the floor and then you will see bright lights from your rear view mirror and you'll end up in 2031!

Lol jk, the new update will probably fix it.

Pushed the "I" button and looked at the calendar. It showed October 3, 2031. I pushed the today button with no response. Sync tech support said do a master change. I could only manually scroll the date back to 2030. They then said "wait for the update".BTW went by the dealer this AM, and they had no idea how to fix except wait for the update.Everything else seems to work fine with the 2.11 update. Any other ideas?
When I pushed "I" it came up October 2011. At least I was in the right decade.:) When I pushed the 'Today' button it did come up correctly with February 18, 2012. I really don't see much of a use for this feature other than telling you what day it is. Still running V2.4.


This is actually a new feature they have for the Explorer that is special to some Explorers. What you do is you go on the highway and smash the pedal to the floor and then you will see bright lights from your rear view mirror and you'll end up in 2031!

Lol jk, the new update will probably fix it.
Back to the Future?

88 miles per hour, then watch out!


and don't forget to add flux to the capacitor before extended travel ,,
