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Seatbelt alarm removal

Why not just wear your seatbelt, belive or not i could safe your life.

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I actually removed the chime itself--It is soldered into the back of the speedometer cluster--The belt chime didn't annoy me because I wear my seat belt, but the same chime stays on when you leave your keys in the ignition ( I leave my keys in )--I just soldered in a jumper wire--

Why not just wear your seatbelt, belive or not i could safe your life.

Believe it or not, there are reasons to disarm the damn thing for when your car is on and your not driving...its is a utility vehicle you know.

Turn to page 161 in your manual for instructions on how to deactivate BeltMinder.


One time disable

Any time the safety belt is buckled and then unbuckled during an
ignition ON cycle, BeltMinder will be disabled for that ignition cycle only.

Deactivating/activating the BeltMinder feature
Read steps 1 - 9 thoroughly before proceeding with the
deactivation/activation programming procedure.

The BeltMinder feature can be deactivated/activated by performing the
following procedure:

Before following the procedure, make sure that:
* the parking brake is set
* the gearshift is in P (Park) (automatic transmission) or the neutral
position (manual transmission).
* the ignition switch is in the OFF position
* all vehicle doors are closed
* the driver’s safety belt is unbuckled
* the parklamps/headlamps are in OFF position (If vehicle is equipped
with Autolamps, the Autolamps feature MUST be turned off.)

To reduce the risk of injury, do not deactivate/activate the Belt
Minder feature while driving the vehicle.

1. Turn the ignition switch to the RUN (or ON) position. (DO NOT

2. Wait until the safety belt warning light turns off. (Approximately 1–2
* Steps 3–5 must be completed within 60 seconds or the procedure will
have to be repeated.

3. Buckle then unbuckle the safety belt three times, ending with the
safety belt unbuckled. This can be done before or during BeltMinder
warning activation.

4. Turn on the parklamps/headlamps, turn off the parklamps/headlamps.

5. Buckle then unbuckle the safety belt three times, ending with the
safety belt unbuckled.
* After step 5 the safety belt warning light will be turned on for three

6. Within seven seconds of the safety belt warning light turning off,
buckle then unbuckle the safety belt

* This will disable BeltMinder if it is currently enabled, or enable
BeltMinder if it is currently disabled.

7. Confirmation of disabling BeltMinder is provided by flashing the safety
belt warning light four times per second for three seconds.

8. Confirmation of enabling BeltMinder is provided by flashing the safety
belt warning light four times per second for three seconds, followed by
three seconds with the safety belt warning light off, then followed by
flashing the safety belt warning light four times per second for three
seconds again.

9. After receiving confirmation, the deactivation/activation procedure is


I am trying to get my belt reminder enabled active do you know how on a ford explorer 91 XL and also do the belt reminder suppose to make a sound when its off and when I had gotten the vehicle the wire was cut for the alarm thing so i rewired it with speaker wire think it should work its copper to copper?

About to do the same thing, on my old Saturn I simply disconnected the wire to the seat belt. Sound to simple but then again, engineer might of plan it that way!

Don't get me wrong, I fasten my seat belt, just not in the sequence my car prefer.

The best could be instead of a push start, having a buckle start: the car start when you buckle while brake are on (optional of course.)

Buckle it.

He's saying buckling the seatbelt would "disable" the alarm. There's times when it bugs me, like the key-in-door-open dinging.

Turn to page 161 in your manual for instructions on how to deactivate BeltMinder.


One time disable

Any time the safety belt is buckled and then unbuckled during an
ignition ON cycle, BeltMinder will be disabled for that ignition cycle only.

Deactivating/activating the BeltMinder feature
Read steps 1 - 9 thoroughly before proceeding with the
deactivation/activation programming procedure.

The BeltMinder feature can be deactivated/activated by performing the
following procedure:

Before following the procedure, make sure that:
* the parking brake is set
* the gearshift is in P (Park) (automatic transmission) or the neutral
position (manual transmission).
* the ignition switch is in the OFF position
* all vehicle doors are closed
* the driver’s safety belt is unbuckled
* the parklamps/headlamps are in OFF position (If vehicle is equipped
with Autolamps, the Autolamps feature MUST be turned off.)

To reduce the risk of injury, do not deactivate/activate the Belt
Minder feature while driving the vehicle.

1. Turn the ignition switch to the RUN (or ON) position. (DO NOT

2. Wait until the safety belt warning light turns off. (Approximately 1–2
* Steps 3–5 must be completed within 60 seconds or the procedure will
have to be repeated.

3. Buckle then unbuckle the safety belt three times, ending with the
safety belt unbuckled. This can be done before or during BeltMinder
warning activation.

4. Turn on the parklamps/headlamps, turn off the parklamps/headlamps.

5. Buckle then unbuckle the safety belt three times, ending with the
safety belt unbuckled.
* After step 5 the safety belt warning light will be turned on for three

6. Within seven seconds of the safety belt warning light turning off,
buckle then unbuckle the safety belt

* This will disable BeltMinder if it is currently enabled, or enable
BeltMinder if it is currently disabled.

7. Confirmation of disabling BeltMinder is provided by flashing the safety
belt warning light four times per second for three seconds.

8. Confirmation of enabling BeltMinder is provided by flashing the safety
belt warning light four times per second for three seconds, followed by
three seconds with the safety belt warning light off, then followed by
flashing the safety belt warning light four times per second for three
seconds again.

9. After receiving confirmation, the deactivation/activation procedure is

