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Setina PB400

Hardest part is driving an Ecosport. :rolleyes:

You don't like driving that roller skate on wheels?
I had one while my ST was in for a paint repair. It kind of sucked. :chug:

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You don't like driving that roller skate on wheels?
I had one while my ST was in for a paint repair. It kind of sucked. :chug:
That sir, is an understatement. Ford should be ashamed of itself for putting its name on it.

That sir, is an understatement. Ford should be ashamed of itself for putting its name on it.
They can’t all be 50k+ luxury impersonators. I’m sure at its sub 20k price point they do alright.

That sir, is an understatement. Ford should be ashamed of itself for putting its name on it.

Put the 2.0 in it and it would be killer lol. Bad memory but I believe it is the 1.5 3 cylinder.. or 1.6 4 cylinder.

As far as repinning it, Ford has dealers do that all the time. They will cut/splice wires and heat shrink as well. I'm very confident in saying they repair far more then they replace full harnesses. Their shop manuals explain how to pinpoint different sections of each harness to find the problem and then they cut, reconnect, heat shrink and rewrap.

Wanting a push bumper on the front of my ST, I went directly to the source. Setina Manufacturing ( Home - Setina Manufacturing ) is the premiere mfg of police vehicle equipment. They sell only through their distributor network. Be you a gov't entity or civilian. The distributor list is on their web site. The PB400 is second to none. Copied by both Go Rhino and, Ranch Hand. Setina also makes a dynamite skid plate for the Explorer. Spec Your Vehicle - Setina Manufacturing Available for both non hybrid and, hybrid. The PB400 is here. PB400 - Setina Manufacturing Not wanting to eat up band with, click on the links to see the pictures.
If I could get a Westin Elite Push bar I would for my 2022 Ford Police Interceptor Utility (civilian owned).
Of course I can’t find one anywhere.
Setina and Go Rhino are too wide and extend too far out.

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