Shock sizing with adda leafs/shackles? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shock sizing with adda leafs/shackles?


Well-Known Member
July 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Franklin, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'16 Explorer Sport
Hey guys, my Explorer is lifted about 2 inches in the front with a torsion twist and has add a leafs and shackles in the back for 3 inches. I just called summit racing to order 4 Rancho 5000 shocks. The guy told me that they wouldn't fit the lifted Explorer. Is this true? What shocks have you guys put on Explroer's with add a leafs or shackles? I didn't think that that added height would matter.

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ideally you would need a shock thats like 1" longer than stock, but a stock shock would probably work just fine... it may hinder some articulation, but would be fine.....

Did you remove the rear swaybar when you lifted the back? When I lifted the back of my ex, I removed the rear swaybar, so I just bolted the bottom of the shock to the top swaybar hole on the axle. They seem long enough, but probly will hinder articulation.

do they esll the 5000's that r 1in longer? those are exactly what i want

According to rancho's application guide; for the rear on any year explorer for a 0-21/2" lift they call for RS5000 shock #RS5185
They only list lift heights for gen 1's but since rancho uses the same shocks for stock height for any year I would assume you can use then on your Gen 2 as well. They call for RS5000 shock #RS5039 for 0-11/2" lift and RS5136 for 21/2" lift.

Thanks for the info guys. Does anyone else has adda leafs or shackles and a torsion twist with Rancho or other shocks? (Stock size that were put on?) I am looking to make sure that I won't run into problems getting one of the Rancho shocks, but I think it is just the arm length that is the issue here.
