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Slow coolant leak.


Explorer Addict
December 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 EB AWD 5.0
So I have a slow coolant leak, seems to be losing roughly 1/3 of a jug a month. I've checked all the signs and symptoms of a blown head gasket and thankfully I exhibit none of them. I'm thinking it's dripping down from somewhere and hitting some part of the exhaust and burning up, because there is nothing on my driveway, but I can smell the sweet/bitter coolant smell. It seems to be on the passenger side. I'm guessing its either the heater core or the heater control valve?

What's the easiest/simplest way to test?

Also, how do you guys feel about bar's stop leak?? I've heard 50/50 reviews. Some say it's the greatest thing ever, others have claimed its killed their engines. A friend of mine used it in his 01 saturn L300 to patch up a coolant leak and it worked like a charm, but other than that I know next to nothing about it.

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Its probably your heater core valve, I found that mine only leaked when you activated the valve. This is done by placing the climate control knob in the off position. At this point it was pretty easy for me to see a slow drip coming from the valve itself while the engine was running.

I vote no on the Barrs leak. I'm sure others will differ.

Its probably your heater core valve, I found that mine only leaked when you activated the valve. This is done by placing the climate control knob in the off position. At this point it was pretty easy for me to see a slow drip coming from the valve itself while the engine was running.

hahahaha... my climaate control knob spends A LOT of time in the off position.

Pressure test the system to locate the leak. Rent the tool or get a shop to do it. Shops usually charge $20-$40 and it could save some time and money trying to track down the source.

I had a slow leak I could not find it got worse and it was the thermostate Oring. Easy change

Check the wep hole on the water pump as well. That can leak under pressure of the vehicle running but not leak at a stop. Also the fan will blow the coolant away so there wont be a puddle.

I have an interest in this thread and hope I can get some help from you all. I have a leak that is coming from underneath the air conditioning box under the hood. If the climate control is off then it doesn't leak. When the heat is on it leaks a good bit but when I turn the ac on it pours out.

Any suggestion? I was thinking of replacing the heater core but would like to avoid this if its not the problem.

Definitely sounds like the heater control valve. Mine did the same thing, including smelling the sickly sweet coolant smell. Easy fix. If you look below the heater control valve you will see residue from where the coolant has burned off.

It sure sounds like the heater core. Before pulling it, I'd check the hoses at the firewall to see if they are leaking.

It sure sounds like the heater core. Before pulling it, I'd check the hoses at the firewall to see if they are leaking.

I will be doing that, but I would suspect it would leak all the time if it was the hoses. I'm going to buy the valve and heater core all while hoping it is the easier one.


Doing the heater core will require pulling the dash out. Just an fyi...

Yeah I just came across a thread that informed me of that. Needless to say im not very excited about waking up in the morning. Im still have hope that it is the heater control valve. The reason for this is that I have no water in the passenger floor board and again it only leaks when the heater is turned on.

Wish me luck!

I certainly hope you are right. Good luck!!

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