some sort of rocker/slider | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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some sort of rocker/slider


Well-Known Member
April 25, 2006
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Bloomfield, Indiana
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ok i was watching a 4x4 show the other week. and it got me to thinking, my rockers are long gone and never coming back! is there any way to make a slider that will sorta cover the rocker area, and some what look like the rocker, but yet be a steel plat that mounts to the frame???
any ideas pics of theis done, or drawings would rock! i jsut dont ahve the time and money to take my truck apart and rpair the rockers, so i will hide em, im not planing on major offroading, just a few trails when i can.
thanks in adv.

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I had the same issue with my rockers. My solution when I did my sliders was to totally cut the rockers out and put the sliders where they USE to be :D . Worked out REALLY nice I think, and gave me more clearance with no more lift (well as far as the body is concerned...the frame can take care of itself). All in all about 4"s of body on the bottom was cut out and deposited directly in the trash can :cool:





There are many rigs on the forum with rock sliders..

I had the same issue with my rockers. My solution when I did my sliders was to totally cut the rockers out and put the sliders where they USE to be :D . Worked out REALLY nice I think, and gave me more clearance with no more lift (well as far as the body is concerned...the frame can take care of itself). All in all about 4"s of body on the bottom was cut out and deposited directly in the trash can :cool:





got any pics of the slider and truck before instalation??? thanks, i like the way it looks!

got any pics of the slider and truck before instalation??? thanks, i like the way it looks!


I thought about trying to do something like what they did with that jeep brian. I decided there wasn't enough support. I THINK it could have been done but alot of extra steel would have had to been welded in. I don't think an explroer's body can handle a solid it from a solid mounted rocker/slider...could be wrong though :)
